Living a basically active lifestyle requires one to be utmost considerate of the fitness and form of his physique, not so much as to the aesthetic significance but primarily because of the need to keep up with it. Many people involve themselves in different diet or fitness program in the hope of achieving what is required of them however not all of them venture into the right one. This leaves all attempts futile. Perhaps there is a greater need to be knowledgeable of the facts to consider so you won't fall victim to wrong choices.
Be aware of the several myths or wrong beliefs about working out. Here are some of them for you to ponder upon:
• Another person's fitness program that has proven effective for him/her would yield the same successful result for you - WRONG!
Every person has a different physiological make up. Yours could not be the same as someone else's. For this reason, your body will need a different program as your response will never be the same as another's. For that guaranteed efficacy, know your body and work around what is best for it.

Your body only needs a certain amount of protein every day. Protein is being broken down with some of it excreted while others are stored in the form of body fat or may be used as energy. The amount needed to ensure that your body has enough building blocks to create new muscles is around 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilogramme of your body weight. Instead of taking on more protein than needed, you ought to take a good amount of carbohydrates for a good source of energy for the creation of muscle tissues from the protein you have ingested.

Most people work their butts off for a workout that makes them sweat incredibly. With every drop of sweat they are elated by the thought that it is their weight that is lost. Unfortunately for those who mistake this myth to be a fact as they have greater chances at not losing weight but at getting dehydrated. Sweat is our body's mere reaction to hyperventilation aiming to cool down the body therefore the weight we lose with sweat is only retained water weight and not fat.

It is in fact recommended to drink water before and during your workout. After exercising you may notice having some cramps. This is a sign that your body is dehydrated. For its prevention, drink a large amount of water. Remember that drinking pure water is important to recover the fluids lost through sweating.
All these and more are myths that could take you not to a healthier and fit form but to the destruction of yourself so be cautious.
WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!
-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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