In the past few years there has been a strong interest in natural foods and getting away from processed foods that are increasingly causing health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. But, what are superfoods? Superfoods are grown in the earth and have extraordinary nutrition and health benefits. They are nutrient rich natural foods that have a high content of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. All parts of the body from the brain to the immune system are nourished through consuming these plant based foods. Superfoods should be consumed in raw and organic form to retain their high level of enzymes, which are broken down when cooked. Let's take a closer look at the top five superfoods.

Packed with nutrients and orange-red in color, the Chinese have been growing and harvesting the goji berries for nearly 5000 years. The Chinese believe that this extraordinary fruit can significantly extend your life. Goji berries are also available in the United States, and grown in the Southwest desert regions. Goji berries boost immune function, stamina, strength, longevity, and improve vision. Their main function is to boost the body's natural healing process through its potent variety of nutrients. If you're using warfarin, or other blood thinners, you may want to consult your doctor first before consuming goji berries. As we age, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) decreases, causing the metabolism to slow down, and increase the appearance of aging. Goji berries are also known to stimulate HGH production, which is essential to longevity. A handful of dried goji berries can be consumed daily as part of a healthy diet.

If this superfood sounds familiar, it is. The cacao bean is the source of all chocolate products. Cacao is the seed, or bean, encased within a fruit grown in Central and South America. Cacao trees grow well in tropical environments slightly below the equator. The Mayans and Aztecs held cacao as extremely precious, and traded it instead of gold as currency. Cacao has the highest level of antioxidants of any food group available. Antioxidants can prevent cell damage, age related health conditions, and illnesses. Cacao contains anandamide, and is only found in the cacao plant. Anandamide is known as the "bliss chemical", according to David Wolfe, and is a natural endorphin released after exercise or strenuous activity. Consuming cacao makes you feel good longer. Cacao also cleanses the cardiovascular system, by keeping the white blood cells and blood vessel walls from becoming sticky. For you chocolate lovers, 60-70% cacao content dark chocolate will have the most health benefits, while avoiding the bitter taste of chocolate above 70% cacao content.

Maca has been grown in the Andes mountains of South America for over 2,000 years. It is grown for its radish like root, and can be yellow or purple in color. It is nicknamed "Peruvian Ginseng." When harvested, it is dried, powdered, or cooked. Research has shown maca to increase fertility in animals. Maca is known for its properties that enhance strength, stamina, and sex drive. It also increases oxygen in the blood, reducing stress levels. Thyroid problems can be reduced by regular intake of maca. Maca can be consumed by simply adding the powder to shakes, smoothies, or any beverage. A teaspoon daily is the recommended dose. Rotating by taking a few days on and off is recommended.

Honey, bee pollen, and royal jelly are all products produced by bees. Bees produce honey as a food source for times when food is scarce, honey provides them with much needed energy. Honey has healing properties and is very easy to digest. It is commonly used for its medicinal properties. It's also popular as an alternative to sugar. A barista at Starbucks told me that honey takes away the bitter, acidic taste of certain coffees, giving it a smoother, richer taste. Bee pollen contains vitamin B9, and amino acids, and is a great source of protein, providing an energy boost. It is also loaded with antioxidants that increase longevity. Bee pollen is also known to increase strength, stamina, and energy levels. Royal jelly is a thick, milky substance that is fed exclusively to larvae that are to become queen bees. It is known for its powerful, stimulating effects, similar to caffeine intake, but it has no negative side effects. Bee products have so many health benefits that a complete article can be written on these products alone.

Spirulina is a blue green algae that grow in fresh water lakes, rivers, and streams. It is a basic food source for all marine life. Spirulina has a tremendous amount of nutrients, protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. It contains 60% protein in dried form, making it the most concentrated form of protein of any food known. The extremely high content of protein builds muscle, strength, and enhances endurance. The United Nations for the last 40 years, has been endorsing the global production of spirulina as the perfect food source for the future. It should be consumed in raw form, and not cooked. Spirulina can be added to drinks, smoothies, shakes, soups, salad dressings, and directly on food.
And there you have it, the Top 5 superfoods that can keep you healthy, increase longevity and energy levels, and keep you feeling great!
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-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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