Hey Fitness Friends - trawling the Interweb to bring your the best advice, guidance, hints, tips and pointers to a new healthier, fitter, energised and invigorated you, I came across this article from Jeannie Cox (
http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeannie_Cox and Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8182721) that makes a lot of sense about eating to age healthily. Once again simple advice that you should heed, and that will make such a big difference in your life. Jeannie talks about the 'Nutribullet' that we have all seen on the infomercials on the TV, and if you have one - then blend away to your hearts content, and if not, just adopt the principles and eat accordingly - combining 'Superfoods' in your diet will do wonders!

No one can pinpoint one thing that makes us age, though there have been many attempts. And attempts at showing you one thing to help you live longer! But they should all agree that a healthy lifestyle can delay cell deterioration and keep our bodies strong and vital into old age. Illness, infection, malnutrition and environmental toxins can speed up the aging process while proper nutrition, daily exercise, hydration and reduced exposure to toxic substances can delay and possibly reverse some signs of aging. Did you know that Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world - 78.5 years for men and 85.5 years for women. That is attributed to their diet of fish, sea vegetables, rice and soy.

Free radicals in food seem to speed the aging process. Free radicals can damage the DNA of healthy cells and lead to chronic inflammation and a weakened immune system. Free radicals enter our system through chemically processed food, cigarette smoke, alcohol, drugs and environmental pollutants.
Daily exercise, totaling at least 30 minutes, and some resistance training twice a week increases the amount of oxygen taken in by the body which energizes the cells. Moderate exercise also puts a beneficial amount of pressure on the muscles and joints, which strengthens their resilience.

Maintaining your general health is extremely important for sustaining healthy cell growth and regeneration. The longer a person lives a healthy lifestyle the slower their aging process will be. But it's never too late to start and get all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle! Fresh fruits and vegetables that contain powerful antioxidants have been shown to fight free radicals, halt cell damage and even regenerate old cells that have been inactive.

Extracting your fruits, vegetables nuts and seeds in the 'Nutribullet' will flood your body with the nutrients it needs to stay in optimal health. Some foods are known as 'Superfoods' that contain powerful antioxidants shown to fight free radicals. Examples are red apples, nectarines, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, black and green tea, split peas, artichokes, beans, walnuts and flax seeds. Start off by drinking one Nutribullet drink a day and soon you'll feel the difference, and think
"Why didn't I start this sooner?!" A good example of a Nutri-Bullet drink, called The Fountain of Youth:
50% spinach
1/2 avocado
1 medium nectarine
1/2 cup blueberries
10 walnut halves
Fill with water up to the MAX line on your Nutri-Bullet and blend or extract.
WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!
-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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