Friday, 28 November 2014

Fat Burning Foods - to keep you fit!

Continuing the all important food theme, this article will provide insight into the foods which will actively help your weight loss and bodily fitness programme - just be changing a few eating habits, being disciplined in your approach to food and having the commitment to stay the course. The journey will be worth it in the end if you keep your eyes on the prize. Sourced through 'atriclesbase' ( and written by Dr. John Anne (an ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine), this is a good read to help you along the way.

Fat burning foods refer to specific type of foods that either burn fats accumulated in the body or improve metabolism. Adding these types of foods in your regular diet, you can easily wash out the fat from your body and keep yourself fit and healthy. In practice, foods function like fuel where metabolism as an engine. You put foods like a fuel to your metabolism engine, and it uses some of the foods to make energy that is required to keep us moving and alive. However, not all parts of the foods we take are used to produce energy, simply because it is beyond the actual demand for producing energy. These foods, which are not absorbed during the energy production, are then stored as fat and the rest of the amount is excreted from the body as waste products.

Individuals become fatty due to several reasons. It can be due to the reason of taking too much food than actually required by the body. The excess amount is then stored for future use. An individual can accumulate fat due to slow metabolic process as well. In a slow metabolic process, foods are not burnt up in sufficient amount. The result is inevitable accumulation of fat. Third reason may include inactivity. If you are not active enough, you body does not get the chance to burn up foods. Although, there are few medical conditions that contribute to obesity, but they are beyond the scope of this discussion.

This article sheds light on various fat burning foods and their various forms. It also suggests different ways to include them in your daily diet.

Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain vitamin C and vitamin C possesses fat burning property. It trims down the efficacy of fat. It can lessen the fat content. Additionally, it can also liquefy the solid fat into diluted one. When fat gets diluted, it loses its ability to stay within the system; rather it washes out from the body effectively.

Vitamin C functions on cholesterol accumulation as well. Hence it reduces the possibility of cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels.

To enjoy the flavor of these fat burning foods rich in vitamin C, you can add oranges, limes, tangerines, and grape fruits in your daily diet. It will definitely enhance your metabolism as well as help you to regulate your cholesterol level.

Lecithin is a chemical property of soybean. It helps in making sheath to your body cell, hence protects cells from accumulating fat. It is also capable of breaking fat contents that are already deposited in your body. You can eat soy products several times a week in order to get rid off the problem of being obese.

Fresh Fruit
Pectin is an essential element that creates a natural limitation on the body cell regarding the amount of fat consumption. Pectin can be found in apples and in most of the berries and other fresh fruits. Pectin can absorb watery substances due to its water binding property. It helps releasing fats from cells. Hence fresh fruits can be an ideal choice for fat burning foods.

Garlic Oil
Garlic oil is found to be effective to reduce the amount of fatty acids from the body cells. If you take this as a part of fat burning foods, it can lower down the level of fat deposits. Garlic including garlic oil offers antibiotic solution. Therefore, you can use it for many bacterial infections.

Liquid Fats
It is not true that all fats are bad for your health. Rather you can consider liquid fats as one of the most essential fat burning foods. It helps your system to eliminate hard fatty substances from the body. Corn oil, Peanut oil, Safflower oil and Sunflower seed oil are great sources of liquid fats.

The liquid fats actually break down the hard fat content by releasing phospholipids fatty acids. Liquid fats functions in two ways. First of all, they provide you the required fats that are needed by your body. Secondly, they help your system to remove the hard fats from the body itself.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Low-calorie foods - not so boring after all!

With a couple of video clips posted yesterday proving to be popular, here is worthwhile food related article about low calorie eating and how it may not be as boring as you image it to be. Sourced through 'articles base' ( and written by Anika, it is a short piece but with an important message and worth having a look at.

Does thinking about low calorie food sets your mood off? Not anymore! The good news is there are plenty of healthy foods and meal combinations you can enjoy to help you feel full without breaking your calorie bank. All you need to do, is to focus on three elements for weight loss i.e. water, fibre and protein.

Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day. Making breakfast a daily habit helps you ward off weight gain by reducing hunger later in the day, jump-starting your day with healthy choices, and giving you a boost of energy. But that doesn't mean that it has to be a huge meal, especially if you are not that hungry first thing in the morning. Keep the first meal of the day under 200 calories and start your morning off with options like oatmeal or scrambled eggs and multigrain toast or a breakfast quiche that is a perfect choice for weekends. You could also cook whole oats in milk for a protein, water and fibre-packed meal that will help prevent overeating later in the day.

Later in the day, go for beans. Consider stocking up on chickpeas, black beans, lentils, fava beans and red kidney beans. From soups and stews to salads and wraps, the possibilities are infinite! This will not only provide you with fibre but will also help you build up immunity against diseases.

In the evenings you can go for broth-based soups filled up with nutritious vegetables and fibre-rich breads.

Vegetables are something, which will take you towards your goal of getting slimmer at a quicker pace. Also, whenever you need energy-packed snack you can rely on veggies.

Be aware of your calories on beverages. They can really add up in juices, whole milk, and high-calorie coffee drinks. Instead, choose low-fat milk or even low-fat chocolate milk with your afternoon snack or post-workout. This will definitely help you stay slim and satisfied. Try out green smoothies, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals and provide feel-full fibre for very few calories. Now who doesn't want that?

How can we forget those savoury cravings that we have to battle all day long. To go healthy, you can go for sprouted-grain chips instead of potato chips or even low-fat cheese and carrots instead of cheese and crackers.

If you try to incorporate these easy tips in your routine, then consuming low-cal foods won't be that difficult and you'll easily smile your way through dieting blues.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Two video clips for the Beginners - for exercise in the home.

In my earlier Posts we have talked about the rudimentariness of diet, nutrition and calories coupled with Personal Training and establishing a regular exercise programme. Below are a couple of video clips I have downloaded for you from YouTube that demonstrate in words and pictures what you can do at home to kick start your programme, or act as an add-on to what you have already started either independently or with your PT. Good stuff that is well worth a look.

The first is an eight minute clip only from 'Mackenzie' of 'PsycheTruth Workouts' just recently Posted ( and is aimed at female beginners concentrating on abs and core . . . but the principles are largely the same for males too.

This next clip is under ten minutes and features Michelle Kenway and is a whole strengthening routine with body weight exercises aimed at women, but once again, the principles largely apply to men also. Found on YouTube also (

Check these out and let me know if they are helpful!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Getting in shape - the first steps.

In the more recent Posts in this growing Blog I have discussed Personal Training to get you started with expert advice, guidance and tailoring an exercise programme to your specific needs, and, we have raised some insight into the importance of diet, the right nutrition, calories out versus calories in as well as a bunch of other great handy hints, tips and tricks along the way. I found this article in 'articlesbase' written by Nadia Ellis (who has over 17 years of experience as a personal fitness trainer and she is the founder, director and program developer of Rhythms Personal Training Center, located just outside of New York City. Nadia is also the owner and president of Professional Fitness & Coaching also). This article was sourced at : and it contains some key messages on why you need to do this and the benefits to be gained. Read on, to help you focus with your eyes on the prize!

Getting In Shape: The FIRST Steps!

The single most important element of any fitness program is "commitment". The best equipment along with an awesome routine doesn't do much for you if you're not motivated to exercise on a regular basis. The vast majority of people who join health clubs are not using them one year later. They've got the equipment but they lost the "commitment".

The first step in creating a successful workout program is convincing yourself that exercising your body is going to be a good thing. I know that everyone realises there are great benefits to exercise, yet “knowing” and “believing” are really two different things. Start by making a list of all the benefits you’ll receive by beginning a regular fitness program; take time to convince yourself of its benefits. I have given you just some of the general benefits below – see how many more you can add to the list that will help you personally. It takes a big commitment to actually stick with your long-term fitness goals. Without the belief of its benefits you’ll find it much more difficult to stay motivated in the long run. Spend some time thinking about and writing down the benefits to you!

There are great benefits to working out that we can tend to overlook until we are called into a doctor’s office with something that could have been prevented with a simple lifestyle change.

If you are already working out but see little or no results, you need to change up your routine more often. Maybe make it more intense, do different exercises, mix it up anyway you can to puzzle your body and get it to respond to your new routine. Just like your mind, your body gets bored with the same old routine. It gets “used” to it and after awhile will fail to respond to the same old thing. The more you can confuse your body and its muscles the more it will have to work to adjust to the new and different level of exercise. Your body continues to adjust and as it does you will need to periodically change your routines.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider working out for health. Yes, I know you’ve heard these a million times – we all KNOW it, but not many of us are actually DOING it. As you get a bit older, it becomes more important then ever to start your routine. Read through the list, add some ideas of your own and lets get started getting in better shape together!

1. Exercise Improves Your Mood
Need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? A workout at the gym or a brisk walk can help you de-stress.

2. Exercise Fights Chronic Diseases
Heart disease? Osteoporosis? Regular exercise can help prevent these diseases and more.

3. Exercise Helps You Manage Your Weight
Want to drop those excess pounds? Make small changes by taking the furthest parking spot or walking the stairs instead of taking the escalator.

4. Exercise Strengthens Your Heart and Lungs
Winded by your daily chores? Don’t give up. Regular exercise can boost your level of energy and enhance your breathing.

5. Exercise Promotes Better Sleep
Having trouble sleeping? Regular exercise leads to a better sleeping pattern.

6. Exercise can help Put Back the Spark In Your Sex Life
Are you too tired to have sex? Or... feeling too out of shape to enjoy physical intimacy? Exercise can improve muscle tone to increase sexual gratification.

7. Exercise can be Fun!
Looking for something fun for the family to do this weekend? Get physical with an outdoor activity.

Another important step to achieving both happiness and contentment in fitness as well as in life is to believe in yourself. If you have that on your side, you are one step closer to your goal. Believe that you can overcome any obstacle that you are faced with and that you can achieve anything that you want out of life. Believe that you can take on this new challenge to re-shape your body and get fit. I am a firm believer that if you want something bad enough in life, you can go out and get it. Set goals that make you happy! Make it personal. Never change who you truly are for the sake of pleasing others.

So, how do you stay motivated? Try this: After setting your fitness goals, laying out a plan of action and making your commitment, begin to ask yourself a hundred times a day, "Is what I am doing or about to do, moving me toward my objectives?" That one single question asked often enough will help remind you everyday of your commitments.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Lose fat fast - the natural way!

We've have said it before and I guess we'll say it again but weight loss is all about the amount of calories that goes in compared to the amount of calories that go out! It is that simple really. The food you eat and the type of foods (and drinks) you consume must be in direct proportion to the amount of exercise you undertake on a daily and weekly basis, and when you get the balance right - hey presto - the weight comes off! By which time, you'll be in a routine to keep it off for good. This article I sourced also from 'articles base' ( and it is written by Jason Rich. Enjoy the quick read - it all adds up!

The first thing you need to know if you want to lose fat is that you need to BURN fat. Burning fat is all about using up more calories than you take in. If you eat more calories than your body uses throughout the day, these additional calories will be stored as body fat.

To prevent a build up of body fat you need to either reduce your calorie intake or increase your daily activity levels - doing both will have the best effect on reducing body fat. This simply means that the more fat you want to lose then the greater the amount of calories you have to burn off. To help you achieve and speed up your fat loss, here are few things that help.

Speed up your metabolism. 
Exercise speeds up metabolism. The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose weight.

Metabolism - What is it about?
Metabolism does control weight, this is true. What most people don't know is that they do in fact have the ability to control and adjust their metabolisms and thereby control their weight. Exercise does speed the metabolism up. The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose weight. It may not be healthy for all of us to get into a highly active lifestyle all at once but it is possible to get there as quickly as you safely can as an individual.

Eat a healthy balanced diet. 
Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. Also include low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes.

Drink lots of water. 
And, go easy on the salt, sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. A large part of the battle in fighting fat and a slow metabolic rate is the western world's view of food as entertainment.

In addition to taking on an active lifestyle you will need to stop looking at food consumption as a means of gratification. This is what causes us to be gluttons. Instead of stopping when our hunger is sated we continue on until we are stuffed to get more enjoyment out of it.

Get plenty of rest and sleep. 
Sleep and other lifestyle patterns can help or hinder the rate at which we metabolize foods. An active lifestyle should lead eventually to being able to exercise to exhaustion; this in turn should keep your metabolism quick and your fat content low. By extending oneself to ones limits you fully utilize the lungs, heart, and muscles and burn fat most efficiently.

Be strong mentally. 
Try not to be obsessed by your weight. Everyone has a bad day. Do not punish yourself. Try to lose any guilt feelings towards the mistakes you have done. Instead, just move on, start again and enjoy life as it comes.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Seven calorie burning tips.

Having spent the last few Posts discussing calories, here is another to help you shed those unwanted calories and aid your journey to weight loss and a new healthier fitter toned you! I sourced this article from 'atriclesbase' ( and it is written by Marjorie E. Nolan - a Registered Dietitian and Certified Personal Trainer. All good stuff that makes sense, and is worth you reading up on.

1) Move More.
Sedentary people burn about one-third less calories per day. By simply taking every opportunity to move can make quite a dramatic difference to the amount of calories you burn in one day. Small movements will add up over time to lots of calories. The trick is to keep moving throughout your day. Write the word ‘move' on post-it notes and put them in places you'll notice them when you're sitting still. Then, take every opportunity to move - here's some ideas for burning extra calories:
  • Tap your feet
  • Swing your legs 
  • Stand up and stretch 
  • Move your head from side to side 
  • Change position 
  • Wriggle and fidget 
  • Pace up and down 
  • Use the restroom upstairs
  • Park in the furthest corner of the parking lot
  • Stand up when you're on the phone and step from side to side
  • Clench and release your muscles
2) Eat Little and Often.
Evidence suggests that eating small meals every 2-4 hours will keep your metabolism burning faster than larger, less frequent meals. When you eat small amounts often your body is constantly working to digest and absorb food which requires energy.

3) Eat Fat.
If you want feel good and keep the fat off you need to first put it in. Fat not only tastes good our bodies need it to work efficiently. By consuming several servings of ‘healthy' fats every day you will actually increase your calorie burning potential. Try incorporating fats like Flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, olive oil, avocados, salmon, albacore tuna, nuts and seeds into your diet daily.

4) Drink Cold Water.
Evidence shows that your body might expend more calories trying to raise cold water to the temperature of your body then hot beverages. And overall being well hydrated will help your body's metabolic processes burn quicker.

5) Exercise With Weights.
Training with weights boosts your metabolism in a number of ways. By lifting weights you will build muscle tissue. And muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it requires calories even when at rest and so it helps to increase fat-burning enzymes in your body.

6) Spice up.
Eating hot spices might speed up your metabolism. Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can help boost metabolism and keep blood sugar levels in check. Can't stand the thought of cinnamon in your morning cup of coffee? Spice up with cayenne, crushed red pepper or wasabi.

7) Eat More Protein.
Protein requires a more complex chemical breakdown by your body in order to be digested and used as fuel. For example, 100 calories of protein may take up to 30 calories to process. Protein also takes longer to digest and helps to stabilize blood sugar for longer periods of time and this can help you to not overeat later in the day. Eat a portion of protein at every meal and as part of your snacks and you will increase the total number of calories you burn each day.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Monday, 24 November 2014

Zero calorie foods!

Some foods burn up more of your energy and your calories than are derived from them, and for this reason these are a great food source to add to your healthy diet conscious recipes to ensure you get the best balance from your new found eating habits. This quick read article from Anita Marie ( sourced through ezinearticles ( will provide some clarity, and what these zero calorie or low calorie foods are that can be very easily combined into your new meal plan.

What is a negative calorie food you say? You see there is no such thing as a negative calorie.

Let me explain - a calorie is a unit of heat and it cannot be negative. So when people talk about negative calorie foods. They are talking about foods whose calorie level is so low that it takes more energy to eat and digest it.

Take cold water for instance, it contains no calories at all, but the body has to expend energy to bring it up to blood temperature. Therefore, every time you drink a glass of cold water. You burn a few calories and lose a little weight. There are very few foods like this.

Below are a list of some negative calorie foods to help in your weight loss efforts. A lot of the foods on the list below do not really use more calories than they add, if they do it is minimum. Our body is always expending energy just to keep us alive and breathing. You are always burning calories.

It is not healthy to use these foods as a long term solution to your weight loss program. Why? because eating them in abundance could cause serious damage to your body. They could however be used as a healthy detox or fasting plan for one to three days. Provided you are in a healthy state it can be a great way to clean out your system. You should always get medical advice before doing so.

For example, the acid in grape fruit and pineapple can damage your stomach lining. Some of these foods can put excessive burden on the liver and cause diarrhoea. They should be incorporated into your diet with other proteins, starches, and vegetables. To create a healthy natural diet.

Here is your list of foods that can be incorporated in your daily meals: Apples | Asparagus | Beets - better when grated | Blueberries | Broccoli | Cantaloupes | Carrot - better when grated | Cauliflower | Celery stalk | Celery root | Cranberries | Cucumbers | Eggplant | Endives | Garden cress | Garlic | Grapefruit | Green beans | Green cabbage | Lamb's lettuce | Lemons | Lettuce | Onions | Papayas | Pineapples | Prunes | Radishes | Raspberries | Spinach | Strawberries | Tangerines | Tomatoes | Turnips | Zucchini, and more!

Please use this list of negative calorie foods wisely. I can't stress this enough. Do not over eat one food, chew your food slowly for more satisfaction. You will also lose more calories that way - especially, if you eat some of them in their raw state. Use them in salads, soups, smoothies, and hearty side dishes. The possibilities are endless. Have fun! Good luck!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Counting calories - a key to weight loss.

With changes to your diet and your eating habits a suggestion you are likely to hear time & time again, is start a food log to measure what you eat, when you eat, how much you eat, the make up of your diet and to determine your calorific intake daily. Counting calories is an important part of this, as ultimately you need to put more out, than you put in in order to lose weight and for it to remain lost! This is a very quick read from ezinearticle author Al V ( and found at (

If losing weight has been a challenge for you, your weight loss strategies may need to be revisited. What have you been doing to achieve your goals? Have you realised what's causing consistent increase on your body weight? Here's a fresh start - try counting calories! More than the amount of food you consume, the quantity of calories explain a lot about your weight. Here are some good points about the importance of counting calories.

Calorie : Defined
Calorie is term used to measure the amount of energy given by food. Logically, managing calorie consumption can help you a lot to better manage your weight and overall wellness. It is not just the amount of food you eat but the actual load that is in the food. This becomes a challenge since not everyone knows the amount of calories found in each food.

Calorie Deficit
One of the most effective weight loss strategies is the creation of calorie deficit. The logic is simple, either you decrease the amount of food you eat or you increase the amount of physical activities you perform. The key is constant monitoring of your food intake and physical activities. If you have consumed more than your regular meal, be proactive to add more exercise hours. Nutritionists suggest that in order to lose 3 pounds, 10,000 calories must be burned.

Muscle Metabolism

While minimal food intake is part of the road map to weight loss, there are some precautions that need to be taken, such as muscle metabolism. It is the body's tendency to break down muscle tissues resulting from inadequate amount of food to burn as energy. A diet high in protein and low in fats should be considered in order to avoid this condition.

Basal Metabolic Rate
It has been a misconception that while the body is at rest, no fuel is burned. Even at rest, different processes take place inside the body. This is measured by basal metabolic rate (BMR). To stay fit and healthy, BMR should be taken in consideration. Minimizing food intake is not enough to achieve optimum weight loss.

Counting calories has always been a challenge for everybody. Losing weight is a science. With consistent monitoring of your calorie intake, you are on your way to successful weight management and overall fitness. Stop focusing on your body shape. Focus on the food you eat. Numerous times you have heard, you are what you eat. Stay fit. Stay healthy.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Secrets of an effective weight loss diet.

As we've said before on this Blog, exercise is only part of a healthy fitness regime and your weight loss programme. Diet is a very important component too, and to get fit, and stay fit, you might need to change some of your eating & drinking habits. Below is an article I came across while researching some of the key factors around diet and weight loss, so have a read and take on board the advice and guidance that this ezinearticle provides by Jantel Mary ( via

Too much weight amplifies the risk of health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, gall bladder disease and diabetes amongst people. Losing weight is not an issue instead keeping it off could be challenging. Controlling calorie and fat intakes, staying active and changing behaviour are keys to an effective weight loss diet.

The effective weight loss diet and permanently maintaining it over-time is a moderate calorie and fat intake. Calorie needs simply differs from person to person depending on their age, gender, BMI (Body Mass Index), stamina, physical condition and most importantly the person's activity level - all play a vital role in determining how many calories does a person need in a day. Here are some simple rules to lose weight in an effective manner at the individual level:

• Avoid consuming carbohydrates that are in white products like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes etc.,
• Limit energy intake from total fats and sugars,
• Avoid consuming ice creams and chocolates,
• Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables,
• Engage in regular physical activity,
• Consume at least 25 grams of fibre daily such as almonds, spinach, apricots, beans, blackberries, broccoli and so on.,
• Most importantly, drink plenty of water every day.

According to the recent survey, successful weight loss maintainers in-take low fat and low calorie content everyday. They also intake plenty of water and unsweetened drinks everyday because thirst is sometimes confused with hunger. They also consume foods that are high in water like soups and so on. Some successful dieters eat 6 to 8 times a day in order to attain and maintain weight loss. Also, they start their day with breakfast just to workout in the gym. Physical activity burns calories, raises metabolism, and helps you lose body fat. Staying active also promotes a sense of well-being and has beneficial effects on HDL cholesterol. It is advisable that if you are overweight or have any other health problems, just consult with your doctor before starting an exercise and diet programs.

In addition, most successful weight losers walk at least 5 miles per day. They also limited watching television to about 10 hours per week which could be said as a typical [American] habit. Even though many fat diet books promise and provide a lot of tips for quick and effective weight loss they are usually difficult to continue for both long and short periods - and not necessarily nutritious as well. Initially, the fact is that people may lose weight to begin with but often regain it very soon. For more than two years, fat diets have a very low success rate.

So, it is always recommended to lose weight slowly and effectively. This approach is more practical and gives dieters the chance to gradually settle into their new lifestyle and weight. Meanwhile, you could also focus and work on changing your eating habits and improving your lifestyle as well. For instance, control yourself not to eat when watching television. Another example is to go for a walk or call a friend instead of eating cookies. Apart from everything stated here, taking personal responsibility for losing weight and believe you can succeed - these are important factors in losing weight, and keeping it lost!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Valuable tips for training with your PT!

With your PT now on your payroll, keep in mind these valuable tips for moving forward with your fitness instructor to ensure that you get the most out of your investment, you start to see the rewards and feel as though you are getting real value for money - this makes your relationship a win/win. The better you do on your journey with your PT the greater the likelihood that you will refer him/her to your family, friends and colleagues which will create demand and make him/her more busy and cement their reputation. Everyone's a winner, but also, don't ever be afraid to speak up if you feel this is not the case! Sierra Dunaway ( has written this article on ezinearticles (Article Source: which is good advice once again and worth you reading to ensure that win/win is created and sustained for you and your PT.

Having a personal trainer is a great way to learn about fitness and to be held accountable to a personal goal that you have made. I believe more people should utilize the expertise of personal trainers, regardless of fitness level or knowledge. I can't tell you how many times I walk into a gym and see exercisers with bad form. This is an extremely dangerous way to keep your ego intact. Trainers are certified for a reason. Use their knowledge to build your own so that you can go into the gym with confidence of knowing how to properly perform a plethora of exercises (even without those little pictures on the machines!)

Those that are able to afford a life-long trainer-and, I realize that doesn't come cheap over the years-mostly keep their trainer as a motivator to keep their progress up. Often, the client has found the perfect trainer for them and doesn't want to lose that. It is crucial for your success with a PT program to find the right trainer for you to truly see the return on your investment. Not only should the trainer be certified AND knowledgeable, but he/she should be someone you look forward to seeing. It is crucial to find someone that matches your personality and honestly cares about your goals as a client.

A more wallet-friendly alternative is to join a group training or boot camp program. While you won't receive as much personal attention, you can feel confident that your trainer will ensure your proper execution of exercises. It has also been proven that having a support system is just as good if not better at holding you accountable to your common goal. Most exercisers simply want to lose weight. Boot camps are great for this majority, as the higher intensity callisthenic exercises are among the best for fat loss.

However, showing up for your personal training session and/or boot camp is not all that you should do to maximize results. Therefore, I have compiled this list of tips for working with a trainer. You would be surprised at the number of exercisers that neglect these essential ingredients to creating a healthier, more energized, and slimmer you!

• Communication is key. In order to prevent injury, you should communicate with your trainer about any pain you may be feeling. Sometimes you can have perfect form, but you still are straining a muscle somewhere. Every body is unique in its imbalances, and your trainer does not know what your body feels like. Now, there IS a difference between injury and pain. If it's burning, that's the goal! If you aren't feeling anything, the weight may be too light. Don't hesitate to tell your trainer you need more or less weight if you aren't feeling anything by the 8th or 9th rep, or if you can't continue with proper form at this point. While your trainer should be paying attention to these things, sometimes it helps not to waste time (and time is money!).

• Eat right for energy and replenishment. Most folks know what they should be eating and what they shouldn't. Following the 40/30/30 principle is ideal-40 percent of calories should be carbohydrates, 30 percent should be protein, and no more than 30 percent should be fats. If you don't want to get that complicated, just lay off the junk food and soda (or sweet tea!) and you should be good. More importantly, you should make sure that you eat a meal two hours and/or a light snack (protein bar is ideal) at least thirty minutes prior. If you are working out in the morning, make sure you eat well the night before, because it is not a good idea to work out on a full stomach. The main point is, don't show up to a workout having eaten like a bird all day and expect to have enough energy to burn during the workout.

• Listen to your trainer. Usually your trainer knows best (that's why you hired them, right?). You absolutely should listen to your trainer when they're explaining how to properly perform an exercise or set weights down. A lot of exercisers feel skeptical of things their trainer says (and often you should!), because someone told them something about a fad diet or certain exercise being bad for them. Give your trainer the opportunity to explain his or her opinion before you shoot them down. If you don't feel comfortable with their answer, you may need to find another trainer. Often times, you will learn something new when soliciting the opinion of your trainer. Just know that the industry has rather divided sources of information and often fitness and nutrition can be overanalyzed.

In the end, weight loss is simple: burn calories or diet in order to create a caloric deficit. Think of a 3-legged stool, with each leg representing diet, exercise, and rest and recovery. If you don't have all three elements, the stool will fall down every time.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

What to expect from your first PT session?

Having been through the previous Posts and the advice and guidance offered in searching for and sourcing the right PT for you, the next step is get stuck in and begin changing a few things in your life. Making this step shows commitment and determination - well done, and congratulations! So what can you expect from your first PT session with your new best friend, mentor, coach and instructor? Well, for the investment you make - quite a lot actually! I sourced this great article that whilst a little lengthy,  gives you a clear indication of what you can expect from your very first inaugural session with your PT. Written by J. Nadeau ( and sourced through ezinearticles (Article Source:

1. Arrival Promptness. 
Your first meeting will set the tone for the rest of your sessions. Have you heard the saying, "early is on time, being on time is late and if you're late don't bother"? This should be your motto when you meet your trainer for the first time. Part of the reason that most clients hire personal trainers, yoga teachers and Pilate's teachers is so that it helps them stay on track. If the person who is supposed to be keeping you on track shows up late, what does that say about how the rest of your experience will go? Fitness professionals should be 5-10 minutes early and prepared to begin on time as scheduled. This saves you time and money. There is nothing worse than a client showing up before the trainer and the client using part of their paid session while the trainer gets ready to begin. Make sure to address how important your time is and how you expect promptness for your sessions. If you live in a region where you can expect weather restrictions at certain times of the year or traffic issues at certain times of the day, make sure to discuss back up plans for if these issues should arise. Such as if there is a snow storm, hurricane, extensive backed up traffic at rush hour etc. Make sure you have exchanged contact information so that you or the trainer can contact each other to let the other know that you may run a couple minutes behind schedule due to extensive circumstances.

2. Responsiveness to Emails/Calls. 
We recommend that trainers respond to client inquiries, questions, issues, concerns and scheduling ASAP. Meaning we recommend as little time as immediately to no more than 24 hours. Trainers should respond to emails, calls, texts etc. within a 24 hour period at max. Your time is IMPORTANT! Trainers should fully understand that clients have busy lives which are typically why they hire a trainer in the first place. Don't be afraid to speak up if your trainer is taking longer than 24 hours to respond to your requests as you are paying for their service and your time is valuable.

3. Social media.
Ask your fitness professional if they utilize social media to stay connected and get important information out. This is a great method to stay up to date with the latest fitness plans, programs and workouts as well as be notified of weather cancellations etc. Many trainers utilize this to deliver helpful information to clients to help them stay motivated such as workout videos, daily fitness motivation and more. Make sure to ask if they have twitter, pinterest, Facebook, wordpress, blog or instagram and connect with them before you begin services.

You can also use this to vet for the quality of service that they offer by looking at their comments, feed, friends, followers and posts. For example, if you go to their Facebook page and you see them smoking and eating a cheeseburger you can imagine this doesn't really say "motivate me". They should take their profession seriously as this will mean they take your time, money, results, their job and your well being seriously.

4. Communication. 
Remember that all great relationships are built on communication and trust. This should be your marker for great service. You should be able to discuss with your fitness professional if you do not like a specific exercise, feel uncomfortable, have physical limitations, medical limitations, scheduling needs, an issue with your service, customer service issue, lack of results or any additional concern. Personal trainers, yoga teachers and Pilates teachers understand that it is a "personal" business that they need to deliver quality service in order for customers to be happy and they should place great significance on your opinions. Many will even ask your feedback, offer surveys, questionnaires and your opinion to make sure they are delivering the best service and meet your needs.

5. Schedule.
Trainers who offer little flexibility in their schedule should be a no go! As you would think wow this trainer has so many clients that they are booked solid this should be a red flag. You will want to make sure that trainers have availability for multiple time slots should your schedule change in the future. Ask if they work nights, weekends, early mornings, holidays etc. Make sure you check in advance before signing up as life does happen and there is nothing worse than having signed up and not being able to book a session with your chosen trainer. Most trainers understand that clients typically are hiring them because they have limited time and a tight schedule so they are flexible to work around you as your schedule should change.

6. Equipment. 
Ask what equipment will be used during your sessions. Some gym trainers focus on machines which others free weights, some boot camp instructors offer body weight exercises and others bring small apparatus to mix it up. Ask what equipment is to be used as well as ask for demonstrations and to try it out during your first session. You want to make sure you enjoy the style of the trainer and use of their selected equipment before you chose a program. Each session should be catered to each individual clients specific needs and not a predetermined generic program.

7. Personality. 
The most common question we get about trainers is "How do I know if I will like them?" Do you have an idea of what type of personality motivates you? Don't be afraid to speak your mind. If you know you want a trainer to yell at you, or if you want a workout buddy, or if you like a compassionate personality, or if you need lots of positive encouragement there are many personalities to suit any training need. The trick is to have an idea of who is best suited to motivate you. Take a look at who your friends and co-workers are and reflect on what will be the best fit to make sure you will be motivated. Every client has unique needs for who motivates them and that is okay since no two people are the same. We want to make sure clients get the most out of their services and enjoy their sessions since your time and money is valuable. We are here to help you design the best fitness program for your goals.

8. Client Testimonials, Reviews and References. 
Get real time feedback from current and old clients about their experience with your chosen fitness professional. Ask for phone numbers, written reviews or testimonials and online reviews so that you have all the information you need for making a decision. Don't be afraid to ask their customers questions about their experience, their success, any issues that may have arisen, if they are currently training, how often they train, and how long they have been with a specific instructor. Remember these are opinions so you can always make your own decision about the professional but it is usually a good guide for any major red flags.

9. Fun. 
Remember your first session with your fitness professional should be a measured on the same scale that you would gauge a meeting with a coworker or business contact. You should feel that you are able to vocalize your opinions, be able to express yourself and get the most out of your meeting. Don't forget one of the most important factors is that you should HAVE FUN! Fitness doesn't have to be stagnant and neither should your workout! You should be able to develop a professional relationship and have fun while you get results.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

10 Reasons why a PT will help you reach your goals!

Continuing with the PT theme a little longer just to ensure you are as fully informed as you can be, I include this recently sourced article giving you a heap of reasons why it is worthwhile engaging with a Personal Trainer and what he/she can do for you. Have a read if you are not yet convinced, and by the end you just might be! Written by Matthew James ( and sourced through ezinearticles (Article Source: it adds up and makes sense.

If you've tried many different diets, and haven't lost weight, or joined a gym, and still not got fitter, then perhaps you're at a loss as to what you need to do in order to reach your health and fitness goals. Perhaps you need a personal trainer.

Here's what you need to know :-

1. A personal trainer will devise sessions that are designed just for you. Your requirements and preferences will be taken into account, and you'll have your own bespoke programme that will perfectly meet your needs.

2. If you want to achieve healthy weight loss, then you know that you need more exercise. Perhaps you're not doing the right sort of exercises, or not going to the gym often enough in order to make a difference.

3. You might want to tone up after having a baby, or just want to get a bit fitter. Your personal trainer will have the skills and experience to help you with the exercises you need, and show you what you need to do.

4. If you want to put on weight, and gain muscle, then you might be finding it hard. Your own personal coach can help you, and give you the exercises that you need in order to make the improvements you want to make.

5. Perhaps you can't do normal exercises, or take part in exercises due to surgery or because of a medical condition. Your trainer will be able to show you the exercises you can do, without making your condition worse.

6. Your trainer will make sure that you're doing the right sorts of exercise. You don't want to be doing lots of weights and resistance machine exercises if you want to lose weight. You might also want to get fit, and so cardio exercises will be more appropriate.

7. It's all well and good knowing which exercises to do, but if you're doing them wrong then the won't be as effective, and you could be in danger of hurting yourself. Your trainer will emphasise just how important good technique is.

8. You and your trainer might set goals so that you have something to aim for. It might be to do with weight loss, or weight gain, or endurance, or lifting heavier weights.

9. You might lack the motivation to go to the gym as often as you should. Your trainer will be able to make sure that you're still committed and are on the way to achieving your health and fitness aims.

10. Your trainer can also help you with your diet. You might not know what sort of foods to eat or avoid, and what you should eat instead, or when you should eat. You are also likely to find that your trainer can help you with your confidence and general wellbeing. Who knows, your fitness enthusiasm could spread to the whole family and so your children's fitness and health could improve too.

Now you know more about the many ways in which they can help, perhaps now is the time you hired a personal trainer.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Monday, 17 November 2014

Group fitness training - another good option!

You will have noticed by now that I have dedicated quite a few Posts already to the Personal Trainer - choosing one, what to expect and reinforcing how this can provide the structure, the drive and the commitment that you need - especially if you are starting out new on your exercise routine. Looking for the right subject matter to keep you informed is important to me, and so I found this for you on ezinearticles that makes a lot of sense too, and again serves to reinforce the message if you are still unsure how to progress.

Group training programmes are a great way to get to know new people in very much the same or similar positions to your own, they are more cost effective, still structured and offer plenty of variety depending on your wants and needs. This I grabbed from Cee Rose ( and through Article Source:

Group fitness instructors work with multiple people at one time in a multitude of different fitness areas. Those who wish to learn about CrossFit, yoga, boot camp, indoor cycling, Zumba, Pilates, kickboxing, and a variety of other exercises usually partake in a group setting rather than try the exercise alone. Group fitness is a great motivator, and encourages everyone to participate, resulting in working harder and learning faster from everyone in the group. The most successful fitness instructors typically have a few traits that make them efficient in their job.

People person. 
As this individual will be completely focused on helping other people, having an outgoing and friendly attitude will be very beneficial. Being able to connect with clients will help both the instructor and the group to feel more comfortable, especially for those who are in the class for the first time.
High energy.
Most group instructors teach more than one class a day, if this is their full-time job. Even if being a group instructor is a second job, these individuals still need to find the energy to complete their first job before moving onto teaching a fitness class. Once in the class, instructors must try to transfer their high energy to the rest of the group. Being both motivating and encouraging also accompany this trait.

Most people who participate in classes would rather be taught by someone who is certified. This shows that the instructor is experienced, and has the ability to teach a class with the proper instruction. Some of the most well-known agencies from which individuals may earn this certification include The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and The American Council on Exercise (ACE). There are many other agencies from which certification may be earned, as well.

While being able to efficiently teach one class may be enough for some instructors, others want to learn more than just one fitness style. Earning specialized certification in addition to the general certification is highly encouraged. For example, general certification allows most instructors to teach cardio classes, but specialized certification is available in areas such as Pilates, yoga, and kickboxing, among others.

These characteristics should also be found in those who are also personal trainers. Often times, group fitness instructors also train people on an individual basis, in order to allow for extra attention and coaching in certain areas. The above-mentioned are just a few of the traits valued in an instructor. Those who teach group fitness all have their own style, whether with music, pace, interval training, or the number of participants allowed in each class. Those considering taking a group fitness class should search for an instructor with whom they feel comfortable, both in personality and in exercise expertise.

WhyWeight - Don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

What to expect from your PT - in words & moving pictures!

Further to the last three Posts giving you an introduction to Personal Training and this leap of faith to put your fitness and exercise regime into the hands of an expert - have a look at this short YouTube video clip, that whilst three years old remains highly relevant. This will give you a good background on what you can expect in return for your hard earned monetary investment, your time and your effort, and  so have a listen to Dominic Munnelly's six minute presentation - it makes a lot of sense!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Sunday, 16 November 2014

What to expect from your Personal Trainer!

Having set a  foundation for your new Personal Training regime, what can you expect from the hours spent and your time invested with your PT - whether you are in a gym, in a park, at the beach, or even in your own home. This article will give you some valuable insights to set the framework of your relationship that is going to get you established on the road to fitness, exercise, health and wellbeing. Written by George N. Anderson ( and via Article Source:

Making the commitment to get physically fit is challenging in itself. Once that hurdle is overcome, very few people know where to go from there. To the novice exerciser, a gym full of complex equipment, heavy weights, and bodybuilders can be quite intimidating. Thankfully, personal trainers are available to guide you in the right direction. Here are a few things to look for before working with a personal trainer.

A vast majority of personal trainers have committed to their careers out of sheer passion for personal fitness. Their desire to remain fit, active, and healthy is passed on to their clients. From your first introduction, you should be able to identify how much your personal trainer loves what they do. It is their passion that will trickle down to you, motivating you to push through those sessions where you feel you don't have anything left to give.

Understands Their Job.
The technical definition of a personal trainer is "a fitness professional possessing the knowledge, skills, and abilities for safe and effective exercise and fitness program design, instruction, and assistance for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals". That is a lot to take in but the essence of the role is- passion isn't enough to be successful. Your personal trainer must know what they're doing and have the ability to teach it properly.

To be effective, their knowledge must expand much farther than knowing the name of every machine in the gym. A qualified trainer is well versed in human anatomy, nutrition, and the science of exercise. They should be able to customize each workout experience to the needs and skill level of the individual or group they're working with at the time.

Take the Proper Steps.
No trainer should take on a new client and immediately jump into a workout regimen. After an initial consultation, the first thing to look for is a preliminary assessment. This screening will allow the professional to determine the client's strengths and weaknesses while simultaneously creating an action plan. Certain risk factors such as obesity, injuries, or diabetes will also be taken into consideration. Varying upon the client's medical history, the trainer may also need to obtain permission from the client's primary physician to proceed with certain workout routines.

Next, the personal trainer will ask questions surrounding the client's daily habits. Food they normally eat, current exercise routine (if any), and even the current place of employment are all vital pieces of information. The personal trainer is more than just a workout partner or drill sergeant, it is their job to assist their clients in improving their entire lifestyle.

The final role of a personal trainer is to play hardball. Some people set overly ambitious weight loss goals and it is up to the trainer to say "no" from time to time. Results will never happen overnight. While a good trainer will never let you "quit", they will always encourage their client to listen to their body. Reserving ample time to rest and recover is of utmost importance. Pushing the body past its limits will lead to injury or other counterproductive complications. With a proper assessment, as well as adhering to the suggested nutritional and fitness routine, you and your trainer will have a healthy, long-lasting relationship full of wonderful results.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Picking a Personal Trainer . . . it's a process!

Riding hot on the heels of my last article on this next step in the process - choosing the right one for you. Again, is a trove of knowledge and insight and I grabbed this one because it provides some simple steps to think about when you embark on a PT journey. There are questions you will need to ask and similarly there is information that your prospective PT will need to ask of you - it's a two way street and you are forging a relationship where trust, motivation, friendship, respect and money will need to flow either way - so it's important you make the right choice. Phillip J. Schiefer ( provides some words of wisdom below that you'll do well to heed as you kick-start your programme

It's been about fifteen years since I first set foot in a gym and I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Had I known the things I do now, I could have avoided injuries, bad advice and progressed more efficiently. Regardless of the gym I go to, it seems as if we all sneak a peek at what the personal trainers are doing at some point. I know I do it and I notice it being done to me when I'm training a client. We're in a field where our profession is typically displayed in our backs. If that's not an attention grabber, then our actions are. If you work with a trainer or are looking to work with a trainer, you want to make sure your trainer is working to help address your specific requirements.

When you meet with a trainer, they should ask questions about your background, medical issues and injury history, before any exercising takes place. The exercises given should be to assess your form and posture to see what issues need to be corrected. The program they use for you should be specific to your goals and limitations. If your goal is weight loss and your trainer has you on machine after machine, then you don't have the right match. If you feel sore to the point where walking, standing up and sitting down are painful, you were probably over trained or exercised with poor form and weren't corrected. Your muscles shouldn't ache and you shouldn't feel deteriorated after a session. If you don't feel sore at all and you are new to exercising, then your routine wasn't intense enough for you. Either that or you left with a big smile on your face because you spent the entire session chatting and laughing it up.

There are stages to progression that are implemented to prevent injury and help you to achieve faster results. With a good trainer, your form should get better, your posture should improve, you should get stronger, more flexible and feel better. Both you and your trainer should notice your progress. Feel free to ask questions and make suggestions about your routine. If you didn't feel like you matched well with they trainer they assigned to you, ask for another one. You may want to continue training, just not with your trainer. It's your body and your money, their feelings are not your concern. Shop around and observe the other trainers, approach the one you think will work best with you. If that trainer is in the middle of a session, approach the front desk and get their info.

Conversely, don't get in the mindset that you have to find someone better.

Progress comes slow. If you've made some progress and have a plan, moving forward, stick with that trainer. Lock them up long-term. Chances are that there is someone else waiting for your time slot to vacate. The purpose of the trainer should be to guide you to exercising independence. For me, the biggest reward is seeing someone I trained come in and use all the things I taught them, on their own. At that point, their training with me is focused on pushing them to the next level.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Thinking about a Personal Trainer . . . ?

When you embark on your new found enthusiasm for training, exercise and a healthier fitness regime, eventually you will decide, perhaps sooner rather than later, that you might just need a Personal Trainer.  Someone to give you expert advice and guidance, encouragement and motivation, and the purpose and drive you need. There are a number of things to consider, and then of course there is the money side to bear in mind too, because you're going to have pay your PT for the hours you put in . . . but, and it's a big but, this is an investment in you, your body, your health and your future so this makes it a very sound investment!

I came across this brief article at that is a condensed summary from Alan Wendling ( and found at Article Source :, that will take just a few moments to read but has some good starting points.

There are numerous times when plainly doing things by yourself just won't cut it, one of those times is when you are out to start working out and preparing to get fit. Though it is good to try out new things for yourself, you will have to reconsider when looking into getting fitter. You see, when you do things alone, there are bound to be things that will not work out so well for you. Luckily though, there is always that one person that can help - a personal fitness trainer! Yes, when going to the gym or just plain exercising to get rid of excess weight and getting a better body, the best thing you can do is get a trainer. But what exactly does a trainer do?

Discuss where to start.
Contrary to popular belief, a personal fitness trainer is more than just a coach yelling at you while you are on the treadmill. No, a trainer does so much more than that. In fact, the work of a personal trainer starts way before you even set foot in the gym. The personal trainer will help you discuss where you are going to start. You will have to do some thorough assessment as to how you are doing and what the things are that are preventing you from reaching your goals.

Planning phase.
After the assessment discussion with your trainer, you will have to move on to the next step which is the planning phase. Your personal trainer will now discuss with you what you want to achieve out of your partnership and how you are to achieve it. Also, the specifics of your regimen and training will be decided on.

Step by step instruction.
Your personal fitness trainer will then proceed with training you in the best way possible for you to reach your goal. Because you most probably would not know what to do or how to do it, your instructor would teach you every step of the way so that you do not end up hurting yourself. If that will not produce good results for you then surely nothing will.

For certain, there will be times when you get discouraged by your path, that you may find what you are doing is hopeless. Your trainer will then help you to get back on your feet and regain your confidence in your cause. Because of this, you will get more encouragement and motivation to get back out there and continue what you were doing right. This by far, is one of the most important functions of a personal fitness trainer.

What to expect.
When choosing a trainer, it is very important to note that they will not do the work for you. You will have to do the heavy-lifting: literally and figuratively. You still need to work hard and to do your best, but your trainer will still be there to lighten the burden and help you with your training. So why wait? Get a personal trainer!

-WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Saturday, 15 November 2014

The difference between using machines and free-weights in your workout routine.

Many people ask, especially when starting out on an exercise regime for the first time, and when joining a gym, what the difference is, or what the benefit is, in using free weights compared to exercise machines. This articles I came across at and provides a clear concise short answer to that question, and is worth a read when considering either/or. Written by Christopher R. Lowndes ( and sourced at it is worth a few minutes of your reading time.

Machines are built to facilitate your ability to lift the weight at the point where your joints and ligaments need the most assistance. Starting out, it is important to strengthen these joints and ligaments before overloading them with force and machines are wonderful at achieving this, whilst also allowing you to build ample muscular hypertrophy. (Hypertrophy is defined as: "Enlargement of a part of the body due to the increased size of the constituent cells." In other words, muscular hypertrophy is the growth of muscle due to consistent contraction under a resistant force like weights or machines).

For an intermediate to seasoned lifter I would advise free weights as a necessary entity in your workout. Free weights require your stabilizer muscles to come into play a lot more because unlike machines the weights represent a true reflection of your strength and so a lot more muscles come into play when performing exercises with them.

Compound exercises such as squats, bench press and dead lifts are exercises that are performed with free weights and are essential when it comes to functional strength and athleticism. Whilst machines can mimic the primary muscles worked in these exercises, they cannot mimic the other stabilizing muscles being used secondarily and will not have the same effect on the neurological system which is one of the main factors in building strength, muscle, speed and overall athleticism.

So there you have it, the difference between machines and free weights. When it comes down to it, in an ideal world both play a part when it comes to health and fitness.
If someone has issues with their knees from a past injury I would obviously advise them to use a machine leg press versus doing a barbell back squat and on the other hand if I have a healthy college graduate wanting to play professional football then you can bet I will have them barbell squatting on a regular basis.

What I'm trying to say is that current settings and circumstances play a huge role in whether you should use machines or free weights and each has a place in your workouts regardless of age, gender, goals or past injuries and experience in the gym.

Start out using machines until your body is conditioned and then mix it up and incorporate both machines and free weights into your routine for an optimal workout and remember you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to as long as you believe in yourself and the direction you are going.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-