Let's face it: No one likes to have a fat stomach. Thanks to our society's standard, the notion of having a bulge does not go well with that fashionable ensemble created by an idealistic designer, to say the least. That is why when you look at the models these days, you will definitely see an absence of a fat midsection, and a flatter and more muscular stomach that can stop any bullet from traversing their paths.
It sounds unfair, but it goes much deeper. Sometimes, having a lot of fat in your stomach can indicate poor health. And having a belly can mean that your weight is distributed unevenly, too.
If you are serious about losing all that fat on your midsection, here are some steps to help you get started:
First, eat healthy. What are healthy foods? They are the ones that are free from processed ingredients and saturated fats. Focus on eating natural foods that are high in fiber and low in fat. Good choices include vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, lean meats, and legumes.
Second, make sure to include some form of exercise in your daily routine. I cannot stress enough how important this is in your life. If you are really serious about losing that abdominal fat, here are some exercises to help you get started.
Kickboxing and Martial Arts
These activities are is of the best workout for abs. It's about time you give your boxing and Taebo DVDs a run for their money. Use them! What's good about these activities is that they involve two great movements that are good for toning the abs: pulling down your arm motion, while at the same time using the upward motion of your legs (like you are doing crunches). Aside from this, kickboxing uses all your abdominal muscles, which are usually tightened to incorporate balance when executing a movement. No wonder a lot of martial artists have the best-looking abdominals around.
Stationary Bike Crunches
Also one of the best workout for abs, this type of crunches is quite intense, and usually employs all the muscular regions of the stomach: lower abdominals, oblique abs, and rectus abdominals. The proper way to do this is to lie on the floor, with your back rounded and hands behind your neck. Make sure that you don't strain neck and back muscles while doing this. Then, lift your knees up to from a 90 degree angle. Make sure that your upper abs are fully engaged, and your lower abs will do most of the work in lifting your knees up. Move to your center while touching your opposite elbow to your knee.
Torso Twists
These movements tighten your abs as you move your body from side to side, especially when you do it in short, rapid movements. One good way to do this is to do the broomstick twist. You do this by standing and doing a sweeping movement on one side and then to the other side. Remember to stand with your knees bent and your arms fully extended on both sides. To make sure that you are working your abdominals, try to keep your hips motionless as you perform the exercise.
It sounds unfair, but it goes much deeper. Sometimes, having a lot of fat in your stomach can indicate poor health. And having a belly can mean that your weight is distributed unevenly, too.
If you are serious about losing all that fat on your midsection, here are some steps to help you get started:
First, eat healthy. What are healthy foods? They are the ones that are free from processed ingredients and saturated fats. Focus on eating natural foods that are high in fiber and low in fat. Good choices include vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, lean meats, and legumes.
Second, make sure to include some form of exercise in your daily routine. I cannot stress enough how important this is in your life. If you are really serious about losing that abdominal fat, here are some exercises to help you get started.

These activities are is of the best workout for abs. It's about time you give your boxing and Taebo DVDs a run for their money. Use them! What's good about these activities is that they involve two great movements that are good for toning the abs: pulling down your arm motion, while at the same time using the upward motion of your legs (like you are doing crunches). Aside from this, kickboxing uses all your abdominal muscles, which are usually tightened to incorporate balance when executing a movement. No wonder a lot of martial artists have the best-looking abdominals around.

Also one of the best workout for abs, this type of crunches is quite intense, and usually employs all the muscular regions of the stomach: lower abdominals, oblique abs, and rectus abdominals. The proper way to do this is to lie on the floor, with your back rounded and hands behind your neck. Make sure that you don't strain neck and back muscles while doing this. Then, lift your knees up to from a 90 degree angle. Make sure that your upper abs are fully engaged, and your lower abs will do most of the work in lifting your knees up. Move to your center while touching your opposite elbow to your knee.

These movements tighten your abs as you move your body from side to side, especially when you do it in short, rapid movements. One good way to do this is to do the broomstick twist. You do this by standing and doing a sweeping movement on one side and then to the other side. Remember to stand with your knees bent and your arms fully extended on both sides. To make sure that you are working your abdominals, try to keep your hips motionless as you perform the exercise.
WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!
-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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