The previous Post talked about snacking to help you loose weight, so in a similar vein, here we have a article on drinking to help you lose weight. There are a plethora of drinks out there on the market (and more being added every day it seems) to help with your weight loss goals, energy levels and calorie intake. Which one to choose is always the difficulty and it might be a lottery as our bodies all react different to the food (and beverages) we consume, so for you it may be a case of trial and error as you find out what you like best and what works best. This articles came from 'Articlesbase' too ( and is written by Wilbert Elsenrath.

Weight loss drinks have become a very popular way to help a person lose weight. As a society we have put on weight which causes some health issues. One of the major killers of the century obesity is known to trigger or precipitate an array of disease conditions which could well include the now familiar hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, low back ache, infertility and even gall stones. If stats are any index well over 10 million children and more than 65 million adults have been diagnosed with the condition globally. Thus it is not surprising that there has been a recent surge in the demand for weight loss options in general and weight loss drinks in particular.
There is more to weight loss than just controlling the number of calories consumed. To further elaborate juices and popular cold drinks are invariably loaded with carbohydrates and sugars which may slow down any weight loss strategy. Thus the need of the hour is to identify a mix of weight loss drinks that can help shed those pounds without adding to the calorie pool.
Some Options For Weight Loss Drinks
Although there are numerous options available when it comes to weight loss drinks, picking the right option can well be a challenging task. This could be attributed to the fact that what works for you may be ineffective for someone else. Some of the more popular options may well include one or more of these:
1. Water - Water continues to find acceptance in the developed and the developing countries alike. Studies continue to validate the fact that water consumed in abundance can shed pounds far more effectively than other weight loss drinks to date. Those who find consuming plain water a difficult task could well add a twist of lemon, lime, cucumber or even tomatoes so as to create a flavoured drink without adding on additional calories per serving.
2. Premium Tea - When it comes to acceptability there is no comparison to the familiar green tea freshly brewed and without sugar or milk. Those with an inclination for sugar may well add a touch of honey to their green tea without the risk of weight gain. The logic to green tea being a boon for weight watchers is that it helps boost the metabolism of the body and thus accelerates weight loss. On the contrary tea variants like oolong and black tea detox the body due to the presence of a diverse range of antioxidants.
3. Coffee And Weight Loss - Coffee like black tea is equally effective although it works differently. Black coffee is known to increase the general body temperature and like black tea may even enhance or boost the metabolic rate of the body and then trigger off weight loss.
4. Milk Type Options - While tea and coffee like water continue to be popular in fighting the bulge, it is no secret that milk finds acceptability both as a natural drink as well as a low calorie weight loss drink. This makes it evident that when the context is weight loss there are few options as viable or user friendly as the new age weight loss drinks. Many weight loss companies make powders that can be added to milk and mixed to make a weight loss drink. These come in all different flavors and some address other issues besides just weight.
5. Vitamin Mineral Drinks - There are many different vitamin mineral drinks on the market that help promote weight loss. The way they help with weight loss is by giving the body the vitamins and minerals that it needs. When the body is satisfied then a persons appetite is diminished and it needs less food. Now a days the fruits and vegetables we get from the store often do not have the vitamins and minerals in the concentration that the body needs because of over farming. Our farm lands have been depleted of minerals over the years and most people need some type of supplementation because they do not get it in the foods they eat daily.
This is only the tip of weight loss drinks but this shows you how wide this segment is. It continues to grow as newer and better working and tasting drinks are developed. There are high fibre drinks to give you that full feeling, high protein drinks to satisfy your bodies craving for food, this list can go on and on. If you are looking for weight loss drinks to help you lose weight, that are out there. The hard part is deciding which one works best for you.
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-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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