Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Struggling to lose weight & get motivated?

Motivation is a key factor in your health, fitness and weight loss programme and it can make all the difference between your success or your failure in reaching your goals. We have touched on this before, and so maintaining a high level of motivation, the commitment to keep going, and the mental and emotional strength to continue is explored further in the article below. Sourced from 'ezinearticles' ( and written by Michelle Masters ( this is a good read to keep your mind, and body, on track. Some of this you have seen before in other Posts, but it is worth reinforcing the message.

Struggling to get motivated when it comes to exercise? Try thinking about it in a different way

Exercise is DE-STRESS time: life is full of ups and downs, trials and tribulations. Exercise is a known de-stressor far superior in its effect to anything you could eat/drink or consume, and as with 'bad' addictions, the right kind of exercise for you can just as easily become addictive, that's one addiction I'm happy to have!

Exercise is your VENTING time: feeling the need to lash out at the world (or someone in particular) but can't in reality, use exercise to release these emotions and free yourself of those pent up angst's. Running, Boxing (Air Boxing) Kick Boxing, Weight Training all of these are great exercise for 'VENTING' phew, I feel better just thinking about it

Exercise is your THINKING time: get away from the daily grind and give yourself a chance to think through problems, worries or anything that may be playing on your mind, use your exercise time to tap into your intuitions that usually seem to flow more freely when the body is in motion.

Exercise time is ME time: how much of your time is spent doing either things you have to (work/cleaning) or things for other people (kids/partners) Think of your exercise time as your indulgence, time spent purely on you, which is why it needs to be things you really enjoy doing

Tips for Increasing Motivation
  1. Book your exercise time the same as you would any other important appointment
  2. Schedule other things around your exercising time
  3. Keep your exercise plan varied, do something different each time, not only will this relieve boredom, but will also keep the body working in alternative ways = great for weight loss
  4. Exercising with a friend/friends is definitely a big motivator for many people, not only does it make it more of an 'appointment' that you must keep, but as with most of life's experiences, more fun when shared
  5. Try new things. If you are not particularly enjoying the exercising you are currently doing, look to try something new each week, you may find things you never new you loved doing, but you won't know unless you try.
  6. Make it a way to meet new like minded friends, or set up your own little exercise group and invite people to join you, everyone loves to be inspired.
Top Recommended Exercise Activities for Weight Loss

Cardio Activities - Aim for 2-3x week
  1. Brisk Walking (3.5mph at least)
  2. Jogging
  3. Swimming
  4. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  5. Zumba/Exercise DVD's
  6. Cycling

Strength Training Activities - Aim for 2x week

  1. Bodyweight Training
  2. Strength Training - (Using Weights/Dumbbells/Kettlebells)
  3. Core Strength Training - (ie Yoga/Pilates)
  4. Resistance Training
  5. Stretching

Some Everyday Calorie Burning Activities - Work it Baby!
  1. Gardening - 2 hours = 400 Calories
  2. Ironing - 1 hour = 140 calories
  3. Painting - 3 hours = 1000 calories
  4. Lawn Mowing - 1 hour = 300 calories
  5. Car Washing - 20mins = 100 calories
Anything is better than nothing! It takes a little over a minute to knock out 50 squats, add a couple arm raises with dumbbells to your squats and you will get a reasonable all over body workout. So that's a minute to warm up (jumping jacks) a minute to do squats, and a minute to stretch out. 3 minutes!

It may not seem much but it's a start... and even this small amount can impact mood, motivation and get you back on an upward spiral. Remember to check with your doctor before embarking on any new exercise activities to make sure you are safe to do so, and check with someone knowledgeable if you are thinking of trying new exercises to make sure you have the techniques right and aren't going to injure yourself. Happy Exercising!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

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