Monday, 1 December 2014

Monday morning funny . . . with a serious message!

Overnight, a good friend of mine sent me this funny, and it certainly raised a smile. I see this friend of mine every morning at the gym and we often chat away whilst on the Arc Trainer or cross-trainer or exercise bike or in the stream room after our workout. He runs a marketing business and does some periodical marketing work for the national gym chain that we are members of. When he sent this I thought - a perfect funny for my Blog Post, because it also has a serious underlying message that I can happily pass on. Read on to the end and I hope it raises a smile, but the underlying message also resonates!

I was working out at the gym when I spotted a sweet young thing pumping some weights...

I asked the trainer standing next to me, "What machine should I use to impress that lady over there?"

The trainer looked me over and said; "I would recommend the ATM in the lobby."

But y'know - it doesn't have to be that way does it? We don't go the gym or embark on a new weight loss, fitness and exercise programme to impress anyone - except maybe ourselves, because that gives us incentive, and motivates us! But, believe me, when the fruits of your exercise and healthy eating regime start to pay off - and they will - people will be impressed. Your family, friends, loved ones and colleagues will start to notice a change in you - and not just a physical one either! You mental and emotional frame of mind will change for the better, you'll become more confident, relaxed, personable and outgoing, and you will feel as good about yourself as you ever have. 

You get out what you put in - and when you put in the effort, the commitment, the determination, the energy and demonstrate your enthusiasm to others then you will be impressed by your own continuing efforts, and, you will impress, and even, maybe you'll become a role model for other too! Now wouldn't that be impressive!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late.

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

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