If you were to build a house out of straw and the roof out of brick, the foundation wouldn't be strong enough to support the weight of the roof. The same theory applies to our bodies. Our muscles are broken down into two main groups. The movers and the stabilizers. The movers are the muscles that are the primary moving force during a movement or exercise. The stabilizers are the muscles that support the movers during the movement. During exercise, it is critical to train both muscle groups.
Break your exercise program into phases. Each phase should last about eight weeks. Progress to the next phase when you feel you are ready, not when the eight weeks are up. Only the first phase will be discussed, which is balance and stabilization.
To increase your balance, you can perform unilateral exercises and stand on unstable surfaces while you exercise. Try a single leg step up with a five second hold.

During this phase, avoid using machines. They provide stability for you so your body does not. Your superficial muscles, the prime movers will strengthen while your stabilizers will not. Not training your stabilizing muscles can lead to altered movement patterns and muscle imbalances. It is important to build your body up properly from the start. Even though you may notice results, weight loss or strength gain, you may be causing further damage to your body if the exercises are not executed correctly. Moreover, correct any postural imbalances in the first phase, prior to progressing to the next phase. At this point, you will be building a brick roof on a brick house.
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-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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