If there is one thing you should know about dieting, and that is not to starve yourself. If you can control your hunger and develop a healthy food regimen, it should help you to stay fit. If you get very hungry, and the urge to overeat kicks in, it is helpful to always carry healthy snacks with you. That will keep you from overeating because of hunger. Also, always have a bottle of water with you because hunger pangs are sometimes confused with thirst or dehydration.
What I mean by "healthy" is something that's less than 100 calories and is not more than two to three handfuls in total. Portion control is important. Try making the healthy snack a natural one if possible, containing fruit or vegetables that are not processed. How about an apple?

If you really want to start eating healthy snacks, then prepare for a regimen change. You will need to have your kitchen filled with healthy foods only. Like the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. Always keep a snack with you, a granola bar would be the perfect example of a healthy snack.
10 Healthy Snack Ideas
- Vegetables - carrying chopped celery or baby carrots is easy to take to the office of just on the go. They both have tons of minerals and fiber to fuel your body up, instead of bringing it down. Also they are low in calories.
- Sliced Fruit - these are in grocery stores and even fast food restaurants nowadays. They can be found in a mix variety of fruits. Just go to the produce section of your grocery store and buy it pre-cut or whole. Some examples are apples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, plums, peaches, and pears.
- Variety of nuts - peanuts, cashews, almonds, and walnuts are some of the nuts that are a great snack. A handful should be just enough when you get hungry. They do not need refrigeration and are easy and light to carry in a Ziploc bag. They are also good in peanut butter form.
- Raisins - raisins are loaded with fiber so you feel full. This is a low glycemic snack that is filling and at the same time very healthy. A little box only has 45 calories and easy on the go. Raisins can also be added to salads and cereals. A quarter cup of raisins provides you with a full serving of fruit.
- Eggs (hard boiled) - eggs are easy to cook and only have seventy six calories. The egg contains proteins, minerals, iron, iodine, calcium and vitamin A. You get all those healthy nutrients from one little egg. Egg white is also very good all by itself.
- Popcorn - this is a great snack that is easy and inexpensive. It is light and healthy with lots of fiber. Try to be light on the salt and no butter if possible. There are many brands out now that are fat free and available in small bags, and typically each bag has only 100 calories.
- Protein bar - these bars are great for individuals looking for extra protein in their diet. They come in many flavors and are convenient to carry. Try to avoid the bars with lots of sugars. These protein bars can be found in grocery stores, but you do get a better selection at a nutritional store.
- Oranges - this is a great source of vitamins C, B, B1, and high fiber all from one fruit. It has a delicious sweet flavor and also good in its juice form. If drinking the juice be aware of the sugar content. Try to always buy naturally fresh squeezed if possible. Different varieties of oranges are available year round.

- Yogurt - this is a delicious source of calcium that comes in a variety of flavors. Most yogurt cups have less than 170 calories and are 99% fat free. Yogurt is also loaded with vitamin C, D and A.
- Cheese sticks - you can find low fat cheese sticks or cheese cubes in the dairy section of your supermarket. They are a great source of calcium and vitamins. The cheese sticks having as little as 60 calories and are usually individually wrapped. Kids love these cheeses and it's a healthy snack and a great way to get their daily calcium.
Everyone feels much better when eating healthy. Have you ever snacked on junk food and realized later you feel terrible, bloated or have an upset stomach? That's usually the difference between eating healthy or eating junk food.
It is all a matter of getting yourself accustomed to the healthier alternative when snacking. If you have children, teach them at a young age to eat healthy snacks. Have them snack with fruits and vegetables. Keep them away from sodas and sugary snacks. Many of the problems found with obesity are the lack of a nutritional diet at home.
Place a fruit basket accessible to everyone in your kitchen. Have the pantry with only on the go healthy snacks. Once you start only eating healthy snacks you will not crave the junk snacks. So, clean out the kitchen and get rid of all that is not good for you. You'll be glad you did.
WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!
-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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