Following on from my last Post on the advantages of Group Training - if you are considering enlisting in a BootCamp course of classes then this helpful little article will give you an indication of what to expect and the benefits thereof. Sourced also through 'articles base' ( and written by Scarlet Lenoir too you might find it useful in determining which way to go.

It is well known that sports have a beneficial influence on our daily life and there are various reasons for which people choose to practise sports or to go to the gym. While some simply want to look good, stay fit or train for a competition, others are somehow obliged to practise sports in order to lose weight. One of the most efficient ways for doing this is going to the gym or having a personal trainer. Despite the fact that working with a personal trainer is bringing great results, an alternative option for those who want to lose weight is participating in a bootcamp. Bootcamps are intensive training programs attended by many people at once and conducted by personal trainers or instructors. The atmosphere is similar to the one from the military camps, and the bootcamp exercises consist of a tough and intense series that aims to increase strength and fitness of the participants. The benefits of such a harsh training are various and the results are fast.

The boot camp is designed to have immediate results, which is reason enough for most people to want to participate. The training program is intense and efficient, yet the bootcamp is fun and challenging at the same time. This tough bootcamp exercises are perfect for those who want to burn calories rapidly and lose weight in the shortest time possible. At first, the fast results and the personal trainer encourage people to participate in the program, but the motivation is the one that makes them keep going. On the one hand, since the atmosphere could make you think about military training, the level of motivation and resistance for carrying out the exercises must be very high. Unlike one to one training, where you can only lean on you and your personal trainer, during this kind of training you will get support also from the other participants who are in the same situation as you are. The training is based on accountability and encouragement, and the goals are stretching. On the other hand, during the bootcamp people have the chance to get to know each other, to interact and also have fun.

In addition to the granted results, the harsh program of the bootcamp has its "lighter" part. Besides the strength and resistance exercises, the daily routine includes the stretching part, the cardio, obstacle courses and balance training, and allows you to work on the most unusual parts of your body. Furthermore, some sessions may also include nutritional advice, in order to increase metabolic activity. Nevertheless, the training is intense, but the results are worth it. Nowadays, the lack of time is one of the main excuses people use not to work out, so for those who have a busy schedule, the main advantage of bootcamp exercises is the fact that they lasts no longer than one hour. All in all, the benefits of participating in a bootcamp are various: reducing the risk of developing a disease, increasing your mental health or getting the chance to know people of your own condition.
WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!
-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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