We live our lives by setting goals on a daily basis, it may not feel that way, but we do. Think about it, something small and simple, you make 'plans' to have a night out with friends at the weekend, that is a 'goal' there is an end result, that is measurable, and you may have to do some things in order to achieve your goal, arrange transport, babysitting, new clothes to wear or drinks to take with you, this is your 'plan' to achieve your goal.
You may not achieve your goal, an obstacle may get in the way (something comes up, babysitter lets you down) but you may be able to adjust that plan to still make it achievable, for a couple of days, it may be something you think about quite a lot, because you really want your night out, this is your focus on your goal, and the more you want it, the more you focus on it, so instead of just accepting the babysitter has let you down, and giving up on your goal, you try to find a way to make this goal happen, other options, family, friends, and you succeed, your sister can help, you achieve your goal and have a fabulous night out.
What do you think would have happened if, when your babysitter let you down, you just gave up, and stopped thinking about your night out, or gave up and sat focusing on how miserable you are at having to miss out. Nothing would have happened, except you would feel miserable of course.
This is a small goal, fairly easily achievable, and not difficult to believe you can make it happen, but what about when it's something bigger? Something that takes longer and may not yield fast results, like losing weight or getting fitter. Do you consciously make a plan? Do you believe you can make it happen? Do you give up when you come across an obstacle, or do you stay focused and adjust your plans?
The same simple process applies to any goal you have, including a goal to lose weight or get fitter and the same process will make that goal achievable.
It is without a doubt a bigger challenge, and can be difficult to know the best way to get started, especially if 'dieting' is the only way you know how and you have been struggling for a long time to lose weight. Maybe it's time then for something different...
WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!
-Steve, at WhyWeight-
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