Monday, 22 December 2014

Four great abdominal exercises!

For much of last week this Blog talked about recipes for health, vitality, energy and as part of you weight loss programme - whether juices, smoothies, energy drinks, snacks or meals, This week in the lead up to Christmas, the focus returns to exercising to ensure that we don't lose sight that diet and weight loss go hand in hand. So here are some great tips on working on that stomach, those abdominal muscles to and that mid-section which is where most people want to notice the first change when shedding the kilo's and toning up. Here is a great article therefore to get started which I found at 'ezinearticles' ( with four simple must-do's to help achieve your goal. Written by Ben Van Delwijnen it's a simple and short read (

There are a lot of exercises to train your abs. But what are the most effective exercises to train your abs?

1. Plank
The plank is a much discussed exercise in the fitness scene. You won't get a six pack fast when you perform the plank. With this exercise you only train the innermost layer of your abs. Therefore, you can't have fast results in getting toned, but you will notice quickly because you have built a strong core. By doing this you will perform other ab exercises much easily so that you will build your six pack much faster.

You can perform a base plank by having a push-up position and your forearms must lie down flat on the floor while you keep each of your hands folded. By doing this your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Then you hold for a while.

2. Abdominal hold
This exercise looks easy, but it isn't! This is how to perform it: Sit down on a chair without wheels and move slowly and thoughtfully. Go sit on the front edge of the chair and hold the edge with your hands beside your hips. Keep your back straight, tighten your abs and lift your feet two inches from the ground. Then lift your bottom from the chair and hold this position as long as you can.

3. Crunch
The crunch is also one of the most standard ab exercises you'll encounter. Although there are many variations of it, the exercise in it's original form is a very effective way to train your abs. Perform it this way: Lie with your back and feet flat on the floor and your knees folded. Hold your hands on your neck, tighten your abs and lift your shoulders from the floor (only your shoulders, not your whole back). Hold this position for a while and go back down. This is one crunch.

4. Leg raise
This exercise is not only good for your abs, but it also gives you better balance. You will perform this exercise by laying with your back flat on the floor. Keep your feet two inches from each other and lift them two inches from the ground. Keep your arms beside your body with your palms on the ground. Then tighten your abs and lift one leg by bending your knee. Keep in mind that your lower leg must be horizontal. Hold this position for a while and then straighten your leg back (keep your legs a couple of inches above the ground).

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

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