Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Body Building Supplements - what to know!

In wrapping up this short series on supplements I came across this one too, also on 'articles base' (http://www.articlesbase.com/muscle-building-articles/powerful-bodybuilding-supplements-know-about-them-5655893.html) that gives some further clarification perhaps about what you need to know and how you can benefit - but as always - do your own research and satisfy yourself that you are going with the best product(s) to meet your specific requirements and objectives. Written by Evie Weaver - a bodybuilding veteran.

Those who consider bodybuilding as profession need a good supplement to gain the muscle mass. Vigorous workouts and athletic activities leave the body drained of the calories and essential nutrients, the loss of which often leads to deficiencies. The body involved in workouts and similar activates requires good deal of vitamins and minerals which sometimes even a good diet is not able to provide. Thus, it is important that such people should have good Bodybuilding Supplements by their side.

Besides bodybuilders, these supplements are very important for people involved in athletic activities like sportsperson. There are many types of supplements available in the market to cater to a variety of needs. Some need to be taken before and some after a workout. In order to put on the lean muscle mass, there are many supplements available. They can be categorised as protein supplements, glutamine, fatty acid, branched amino acid supplements, and some come in the form of meal replacement too.

There are a wide variety of benefits of using Bodybuilding Supplements. Some of them can be listed as follows:
i) It has been medically proven that good health comes with the right mix of genetics, good diet and a religious exercise plan. These supplements form an important part of a healthy diet and provide the body with essential nutrients.
ii) When it comes to building muscle mass rapidly, these supplements are of great help.
iii) They can greatly help cover up the loss of nutrients and impart strength to the body.
iv) They lead to even and toned muscle growth and provides the body with optimised nourishment.
v) They help increase the endurance levels as well.
vi) Most of the supplements assist in water retention to ensure proper hydration and balancing out of the losses incurred during a physical workout.
vii) They help speed up the absorption of nutrients by the body and stimulate the testosterone production.

The goal of superior quality of muscle buildup can be easily attained by use of these supplements. Their regular usage ensures that you gain sufficient muscle mass and do not lose any muscle mass quickly that is hard to gain. The muscle building process gets a boost with the use of these supplements. In terms of quality, muscle build up by these supplements is superior.

There is wide variety of supplements to choose from. These include Anavar, Synthol, Anadrall, Retabol, Dianibol, etc. In order to make a good choice of these supplements, you can consult a qualified practitioner or your gym instructor to seek an advice about the best supplement for you. He/she can provide you a prescription based on the requirements of your body and suitability of the supplement. When coupled with religious exercise plan, these bodybuilding supplements can work great in terms to attain that lean yet muscular look. Go ahead and find the right supplement today!!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Enhance your work-out with BCAA Supplements

Continuing the theme of supplements to enhance your fitness, exercise, weight loss, toning or just your well-being programme, here is a further article from Bryen Hooper offering some good advice & guidance on the subject - and sourced through 'articles base'(http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/enhance-your-performance-with-bcaa-workout-supplements-7107761.html). As stated previously - do your research and be thorough - either on the Internet, or at a local strode where you can source these products, or through your gym and/or PT. There is no reason why you should not be well informed and get the best advice for your very specific needs and goals.

Whenever we think of bodybuilding, the first person that comes to our minds is Arnold Schwarzenegger. For most of the aspiring bodybuilders, Schwarzenegger is their inspiration as he is the genuine sports celebrity. Everyone wants to be fit but for some people, bodybuilding is a passion. They give all their time and effort to have a well-sculpted body for which they have a burning desire.

A proper diet and a strict workout regime offers you the basics for anyone looking to get a well-toned body. But at times, it is essential to take additional supplements for better results. One of the best supplements that most fitness freaks use these days is the BCAA workout supplement. Made up of three amino acids - Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine, BCAA or Branch Amino Acids help in muscle repair and growth.

Without supplementing the body with amino acids, the proteins in the body break down when you work out intensely, thereby resulting in muscle loss. Out of the total 20 amino acids that the body needs, about half of the amino acids are not essential. The rest of the essential amino acids are obtained from food and supplements. Of these, the aforesaid three BCAAs are the most important for muscle recovery.

When is the best time to take BCAA supplements?
An important question that often comes to the minds of bodybuilders is: What is the most appropriate time to take BCAA supplements to boost their performance? Well, most of your colleagues and trainers say that you should take these supplements either before, during or after a workout. To be honest, this is a very vague advice as it does not give a clear idea about the results to expect. Let's help you out by analysing the benefits of taking these supplements before, during and after your workout regime.

Before workout : if you train in the morning before eating your breakfast, then it is advisable to take BCAA workout supplements before you start your workout. Research has shown that taking these supplements before workouts reduces fatigue, which will help you perform better.

During workout : another option you can try is taking bodybuilding supplements during your workout regime. In fact, taking these supplements during the workout is a great way to give nourishment to your muscles when the body needs it most. Thus, taking BCAA during a training session reduces fatigue.

After workout : if you get exhausted after your workout session, then it is best for you to take BCAA supplements after the workout. Taking the supplements after your training will help in muscle recovery and repair. The supplements help the muscle fibres in healing. During your workout regime, the increased levels of serotonin can cause fatigue. Many studies have proven that taking BCAA supplements during workout helps in reducing the level of serotonin thereby reducing exercise fatigue.

BCAA supplementation according to your workout regime will help you in getting better results. To enhance your performance and achieve the ideal body for which you have been working out, take the supplements during ideal times according to your workout regime.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Monday, 29 December 2014

Choosing the right supplement for your pre-workout surge!

Following on from the last Post as an introduction to supplements to aid your weight loss, fitness and exercise programme, here is another from the same author - Bryen Hooper also sourced through 'articlesbase' (http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/get-a-pre-workout-energy-surge-with-the-right-supplement-7094793.html) that may shed further light on this area and help you choose the best for you. That said, you should do a little study first to match your specific requirements and goals to the right product - either on-line, or with an expert in your local store, or even your PT at the gym. There will be plenty of advice forthcoming - just choose the right product(s) for your needs.

Of late, many athletes have started taking pre-workout supplements leading to a surge in their demand. This is hardly surprising as the latest research and studies have shown the positive impact of some supplements in improving focus and energy for workouts. Taking full advantage of positive reports in the media and testimonials by successful athletes, supplement producing companies have launched several products in the market claiming the same effects.

The discerning bodybuilders and athletes are always concerned about which of these supplements are effective and do not cause side effects. Let us first understand the importance of pre-workout supplements and how they help athletes train hard.

Impact of the mental state on high intensity workouts
All high intensity trainers such as athletes know the impact that the mental state has on their training. Not only should your muscles be energized, it is equally important that your mind is positive and there is coordination between your muscles and mind. If not, muscular development will not be as good as you expect even though the muscles are not fatigued.

If you are an athlete reading this, the mind giving up rather than the muscles is a situation you must be familiar with. This happens because you fail to stress the muscles enough to maximize muscular development. That is why you need a pre workout supplement that gives a mental surge to enhance your energy and focus. These supplements are meant to keep you "in the zone" till your workouts are over.

Which pre-workout supplement should you choose?
As already stated, athletes look to take only those supplements that are effective without causing side effects. When taking these supplements first began in the early 1980s, the main ingredients in it were dextrose as the carb enhancer, protein and ephedra. This was effective but since then, a lot of other options have hit the market. Most of these contain ingredients such as creatine and glutamine.

While creatine can cause side effects if not taken in the right combination, it is a must to get the surge before workouts. Some supplement producers offer a comprehensive mix of ingredients for a comprehensive mood enhancing system. The ingredients they include in the supplement include CarnoSyn Beta Alanine, various forms of Arginine, Citrulline Malate and Agmatine Sulfate. The enhanced blood delivery to muscles and brain, that this combination can achieve, does not lead to any side effects. It contains four types of creatines that neutralize the adverse effects. Thus, the kind of surge pre workout supplement you should choose is clear by this brief explanation. If you want to improve your athletic performance or develop good muscle mass, find a supplement from a reputable online store.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Pre Work-Out Supplements that deliver.

We have now arrived in that twilight zone between Christmas and New Year when you may be suffering from the over indulgences of the festive season, still on holiday and there is a lull before it all ramps up again with more eating, drinking, celebrating and excess on New Years Eve and New Years Day. Taking the opportunity I thought, in readiness for your efforts to kick start 2015, I have a couple of articles coming up on supplements to aid your fitness and weight loss goals. The one below I sourced through 'articalesbase' (http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/buy-pre-workout-supplements-that-deliver-7163318.html) and is written by Bryen Hooper, and provides a good introduction on what to look for in your supplements, is you decide to enhance your efforts in this way.

Since the research on effectiveness of pre-workout supplements became public, a multitude of such supplements have flooded the market. Very few of these are effective, but all of them claim to be the best product on the market. Choosing a supplement that delivers results can be quite difficult in such a scenario. In order to buy effective pre-workout supplements, you need to know all about the ingredients that are proven to deliver results. Some ingredients used in supplements benefit fitness enthusiasts, sports persons and bodybuilders immensely. The best part is that these help you unlock your great athletic potential without causing any side effects.

Let's first take a look at the positive impacts that a pre-workout supplement should deliver :

Muscle Pumps
Starting from your early 30's and even late 20's, you start to experience a lack of energy in your muscles. The cause is reduced blood supply due to natural ageing effects. Increasing blood supply to the muscles is important to enhance muscle size, vascularity and fullness.

Enhanced Strength
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) or muscle energy production must be optimised for improving athletic performance. Intensity and raw power in sport has a lot to do with the concept of muscle energy production, and some ingredients gear your body's biochemistry to optimise it. With enhanced strength, endurance and energy, you are able to achieve a lot more than otherwise possible.

Enhanced Metabolism
You want to consume a balanced diet full of nutrients, but what if your digestive system is unable to absorb and process it? Your metabolism plays a key role in absorbing proteins and other nutrients and building muscles. Enhancing it by taking a supplement rich in key ingredients is important.

Muscle Recovery
The most important reason for taking pre-workout supplements is to help in muscle recovery, which is the key to increasing muscle mass. For enhancing muscle mass, you need to ensure that muscle loss is lower than protein synthesis. The supplement you choose should contain effective ingredients, which promotes fast muscle recovery.

Ingredients to look for in a supplement
You buy a pre-workout supplement which enhances muscle pumps, improves muscle recovery, increases metabolism and builds strength at the same time. Of course, these should be proven to have safe ingredients that do not lead to any side effects. For muscle pumps, the supplement should contain three forms of Arginine, Citrulline Malate and CarnoSyn Beta Alanine.

Creatine is a known muscle cell energy enhancer but it is associated with many side effects. However, some leading supplement manufacturers offer an effective blend of Creatine, which eliminates such risks. R-Beta-Methylphenylethylamine is a safe metabolism enhancer that promotes fat loss and can be used as an energy enhancer too.

Finally, branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the most important ingredient to look for in a pre-workout supplement. It provides the additional proteins needed to make amends for the proteins lost after a strenuous workout session, and build muscle mass. Look for a supplement that contains these ingredients.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Two solid abs exercises for you for quick results!

With just a day left to Christmas Day here are a couple of short YouTube clips to keep you focused on those abdominals and help with a flatter stomach even with the potential excesses of the festive season. Check these out in conjunction with the other Posts this week that have all concentrated on the abdominals and with a combination of all of these you'll be well on your way as the clock counts down on New Years Day, and your renewed focus for 2015. You can do these at home, in the back yard, at the gym, in the park or at the beach. Merry Christmas and happy flat stomach!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Working the abdominals - more advanced exercises.

I'll close with this final word on abdominal exercises for the time being with some more high level routines to take you to the next level. Of course, the Internet is full of helpful advice, guidance and similar articles, bur here at 'WhyWeight' I'll always attempt to condense the 'best of the best' for you here in one beautiful Blog that can be your single source of everything you need to reach your fitness, health and wellbeing goals. And so it is with this article found at 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/4178330) and written by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-RetFitness Boot Camp Instructor, Personal Trainer and Author (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_R._Weinstein) that I think is worth a quick look to catapult your abdominals to that next stage.

Here are some advanced abdominal exercises to take those abs to the next level.

Don't you think about getting up! We're not done, yet. The next exercise is the sit-up. This exercise is one of the events in the Army Physical Fitness Test. If you're not used to doing a sit-up, those muscles will need some developing. Your motion should be smooth, no jerking your body up. If you can't go all the way up, start out by going as far as you can. You're on your back with hands clasped behind your head and feet a little less than shoulder width apart with bent knees and feet on the ground. Curl your body up to the point where you have brought your body out of the range of exertion. When you're out of the range of exertion and it becomes easy, then lower it back down in the starting position with the same smooth motion. That's one repetition. Perform 10 to 50 reps per set. If you are having difficulties, use a slow count until you develop those muscles.

You're on your back. Raise both your legs together as high as you can. With your arms extended, palms facing down and hands close together, reach for your toes and then back to the starting position with shoulders and back on the ground. If you can touch your toes, that's great. If not, do the best you can and keep working and don't give up. The muscles are still enjoying the benefit of being worked. Make sure you are raising the shoulders ever so slightly when reaching for your toes.

Here's another great abdominal exercise. We'll call it the alternating elbow crunch. You're on your back. Your hands are clasped behind your head. Your left leg is bent with the foot on the ground. Cross your right leg over your left knee. Take your left elbow and reach for your right knee and back down. That is one rep. Use a smooth motion. Don't be concerned if you can't reach your leg with your elbow. Do the best you can. Remember, by performing the exercise you are working those muscles even with a partial motion. Now switch off by crossing your left leg over your right knee, reach for your knee with your right elbow and do it again.

It's time for atomic sit-ups. Yeah. That's right! We're going nuclear! Lay down on your back with legs extended and arms extended to your sides. The starting position is with legs six inches off the ground. Now pull your knees and your chest to the middle where you are in a position balanced on your butt. Your body is briefly in that jack-knifed position. As you move into this position, bend your elbows so that your hands are at your shoulders. Now lower your legs back out to the extended position six inches off the ground with your arms extended. That's one rep. Perform 10 to 40 reps per set.

Your Action Plan: Get to work on improving your abdominal strength by performing these exercises five to six days per week. If that's too challenging, start out with three days per week.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Abdominal exercises - some alternatives.

Sticking with abs and your quest to get a tighter, tauter, toned and flatter stomach here are three more considerations for you that will also help the cause and create more variety in your routine . . . and variety is important when exercising to ensure that your body doesn't get stuck in a rut and can predict what's coming next. I sourced this from 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/2412511) and it's scribed by Jessica S. Monrol (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_S._Monrol)

Let's face it: No one likes to have a fat stomach. Thanks to our society's standard, the notion of having a bulge does not go well with that fashionable ensemble created by an idealistic designer, to say the least. That is why when you look at the models these days, you will definitely see an absence of a fat midsection, and a flatter and more muscular stomach that can stop any bullet from traversing their paths.

It sounds unfair, but it goes much deeper. Sometimes, having a lot of fat in your stomach can indicate poor health. And having a belly can mean that your weight is distributed unevenly, too.

If you are serious about losing all that fat on your midsection, here are some steps to help you get started:

First, eat healthy. What are healthy foods? They are the ones that are free from processed ingredients and saturated fats. Focus on eating natural foods that are high in fiber and low in fat. Good choices include vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, lean meats, and legumes.

Second, make sure to include some form of exercise in your daily routine. I cannot stress enough how important this is in your life. If you are really serious about losing that abdominal fat, here are some exercises to help you get started.

Kickboxing and Martial Arts
These activities are is of the best workout for abs. It's about time you give your boxing and Taebo DVDs a run for their money. Use them! What's good about these activities is that they involve two great movements that are good for toning the abs: pulling down your arm motion, while at the same time using the upward motion of your legs (like you are doing crunches). Aside from this, kickboxing uses all your abdominal muscles, which are usually tightened to incorporate balance when executing a movement. No wonder a lot of martial artists have the best-looking abdominals around.

Stationary Bike Crunches
Also one of the best workout for abs, this type of crunches is quite intense, and usually employs all the muscular regions of the stomach: lower abdominals, oblique abs, and rectus abdominals. The proper way to do this is to lie on the floor, with your back rounded and hands behind your neck. Make sure that you don't strain neck and back muscles while doing this. Then, lift your knees up to from a 90 degree angle. Make sure that your upper abs are fully engaged, and your lower abs will do most of the work in lifting your knees up. Move to your center while touching your opposite elbow to your knee.

Torso Twists
These movements tighten your abs as you move your body from side to side, especially when you do it in short, rapid movements. One good way to do this is to do the broomstick twist. You do this by standing and doing a sweeping movement on one side and then to the other side. Remember to stand with your knees bent and your arms fully extended on both sides. To make sure that you are working your abdominals, try to keep your hips motionless as you perform the exercise.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Monday, 22 December 2014

Easy workouts for abs.

Continuing the abdominal theme, below is some advice on what you can do at home, what you can do in the gym, and what you can do in a structured class that will help get you that flatter, toned stomach that you're looking for. A quick read that carries on the theme, and will quickly get you that flatter mid-section when combined with your diet, exercise routine and the staying power to continue what you started. I found this at 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/3510105) and it's written by Abe Dominga (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abe_Dominga)

While a tight stomach and flat abs may be your goal, not everybody will be successful with the same exercises. The equipment and workouts required to get your abs muscles to the next phase may be different from one to another person. Your focus should be to find out which workouts for abs will work for you.

1 - Pilates
While there are many various exercises for building your abs that will work for you, using variety in your exercises is important for obtaining an all around workout. Continuing to use the same routines that keep building up the same muscles won't work for anyone. There are many ways for people to find great workouts for abs. Some individuals may base their workout for abs on basic exercises that tend to target all the different abdominal muscle groups, and can be performed without any special equipment from home. The secret to getting an excellent ab workout is to target all of your core ab muscles. The Pilates method has proven itself to be extremely effective for targeting the abs and achieving the desirable flat abs that women look for. Pilates offers several basic workouts for abs that normal exercises can't target. Pilates movements are fairly easy to perform, from home as well as from the technical stand point.

2 - Gym Machines
Other individuals will build their workouts for abs around the gym. When you join a gym, it will grant you access to different cable machines that will help you to work your abs muscles through a many different angles. In addition, there are a variety of other types of weight machines that are designed to focus on your abs in various ways to provide you with a full workout. Joining a gym will additionally grant you access to instructors and trainers that will give you suggestions for good workouts for abs.

3 - Swiss Ball
Somewhere between the workout equipment at the gym, and doing workouts for abs on your own are the exercise balls. A lot of folks have found these balls extremely productive in their workouts for abs, and have seen fantastic changes to their bodies because of these balls. With typical workouts for abs done from the home, you are only exercising one section of the abs each time as you do the movements. With the exercise balls, you can target a bigger mass of muscles at once. The exercise balls can be implemented in various ways. One way is to sit upon it and do abdominal curls. You can also lay flat on your stomach on top of the ball to gain access to working your obliques, the rectus abdominis and the hip flexors. Or you can place the ball under your feet as you lay on your back in order to perform a variety of exercises as well.

Some people have found that one of these workouts for abs is effective for them and they will stay twith it. Other people have discovered that several different workouts for abs with different techniques will give them the abs they desire. Either way, being diligent with your workouts and being certain that you are targeting the ab muscles properly will get you the flat stomach others will be envious of.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Four great abdominal exercises!

For much of last week this Blog talked about recipes for health, vitality, energy and as part of you weight loss programme - whether juices, smoothies, energy drinks, snacks or meals, This week in the lead up to Christmas, the focus returns to exercising to ensure that we don't lose sight that diet and weight loss go hand in hand. So here are some great tips on working on that stomach, those abdominal muscles to and that mid-section which is where most people want to notice the first change when shedding the kilo's and toning up. Here is a great article therefore to get started which I found at 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/8845943) with four simple must-do's to help achieve your goal. Written by Ben Van Delwijnen it's a simple and short read (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Van_Delwijnen)

There are a lot of exercises to train your abs. But what are the most effective exercises to train your abs?

1. Plank
The plank is a much discussed exercise in the fitness scene. You won't get a six pack fast when you perform the plank. With this exercise you only train the innermost layer of your abs. Therefore, you can't have fast results in getting toned, but you will notice quickly because you have built a strong core. By doing this you will perform other ab exercises much easily so that you will build your six pack much faster.

You can perform a base plank by having a push-up position and your forearms must lie down flat on the floor while you keep each of your hands folded. By doing this your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Then you hold for a while.

2. Abdominal hold
This exercise looks easy, but it isn't! This is how to perform it: Sit down on a chair without wheels and move slowly and thoughtfully. Go sit on the front edge of the chair and hold the edge with your hands beside your hips. Keep your back straight, tighten your abs and lift your feet two inches from the ground. Then lift your bottom from the chair and hold this position as long as you can.

3. Crunch
The crunch is also one of the most standard ab exercises you'll encounter. Although there are many variations of it, the exercise in it's original form is a very effective way to train your abs. Perform it this way: Lie with your back and feet flat on the floor and your knees folded. Hold your hands on your neck, tighten your abs and lift your shoulders from the floor (only your shoulders, not your whole back). Hold this position for a while and go back down. This is one crunch.

4. Leg raise
This exercise is not only good for your abs, but it also gives you better balance. You will perform this exercise by laying with your back flat on the floor. Keep your feet two inches from each other and lift them two inches from the ground. Keep your arms beside your body with your palms on the ground. Then tighten your abs and lift one leg by bending your knee. Keep in mind that your lower leg must be horizontal. Hold this position for a while and then straighten your leg back (keep your legs a couple of inches above the ground).

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Friday, 19 December 2014

Eat more to lose weight - ten healthy snacking tips for you!

With snacking such a popular sustaining thing between meals, the important thing to remember when embarking on a weight loss programme is to remain regimented in your approach to snacking as much as your approach to mealtimes. Snacking has a part to play in your programme, but remain focused, be disciplined and use these handy hints below to aid you along the way. I sourced this from 'ezinearticles' once again (http://EzineArticles.com/4402778) and this one is written by Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach Monica Tangry (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Monica_Tangry)

In order to lose weight more efficiently, you need to eat more. It may sound too good to be true and it contradicts the entire concept of dieting, but it is a proven fact. The catch is, however, you need to eat more of the good stuff.

For a fire to keep burning it needs to be stoked, much like our metabolism, which is our internal fat burning furnace. Stoking your metabolism requires eating a small meal or snack approximately every three hours. Over the course of a day this will add up to five or six small meals (for example: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack). The size of the meals will depend on your total daily calorie allowance.

It is recommended that snacks generally be between 100 and 200 calories each, which does not seem like a lot. You are probably wondering what type of snacks could possibly be 100 to 200 calories and still be satisfying. You can be certain that it rules out any sort of processed or junk food options, which are loaded with empty calories and next to zero nutrition. Processed snacks will not satisfy you for long and generally cause a drop in blood sugar levels, which lead to unhealthy food cravings. The key to avoiding this viscous cycle is to find foods that are naturally low in calories and nutrient dense.

Top 10 Nutrient Rich Snacks:
  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pine nuts)
  • Dried Fruit (raisins, dates, prunes, cranberries, cherries - unsweetened)
  • Veggies (baby carrots, celery sticks, sugar snap peas, etc)
  • String Cheese
  • Fresh fruit & Berries
  • Popcorn (air popped, unsalted, no butter or margarine)
  • Cottage cheese & fresh or frozen berries and honey
  • Whole grain crackers with Hummus, Peanut butter
  • Smoothies
  • Dark Chocolate
These healthy snacks are great for on-the-go or at your desk at work. Portion control is very important even with healthy snacks. Measure out and pack proper portions in advance so they are ready when you need them, this requires a little planning and preparation, but is well worth the effort. By having these healthy snacks readily on hand, you can avoid any dietary pitfalls and feel good that you are stoking your body's natural fat burning potential.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

10 easy healthy snacks for you!

Getting toward the end of this week hopefully you've read up on some good advice for snack time between meal time that are fairly simple to make, won't cost a fortune, can be prepared in advance, and are wholesome, nutritious and light on calories but will satisfy nonetheless. I found these ten handy tips and hints on 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/8849156) and written by Christina Major, a Natropathic Doctor and Holistic Nutrionist (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_Major)

There is a balance between getting healthy snacks, maintaining weight, and loving food. But it can be done. My go to snacks are all about nutrition, pleasure, and taste. If you have picky kids, these snacks please. They replace the empty sugar snacks with brain boosting alternatives.

My favourite 10 Go-to Healthy Snacks
  • Apples - I love apples just the way they are. Crunchy, tart, sweet, and packed with fibre, magnesium, potassium, healthy polysterols, and tens of thousands of phytonutrients.
  • Homemade Granola - toast oats, nuts, and seeds; add dried fruit; dust with cinnamon - that lots of fibre, healthy fats, sweet taste, and it's easy to take along.
  • Dark Chocolate covered almonds - melt dark chocolate; stir in nuts; cool - just make sure you portion this one out, because they are so good, I ate a whole pound without realising the first time I made it!
  • Almond butter (get the hint nuts are good for you) - this omega-3 fatty acid powerhouse is so easy to spread on veggies and fruit (like the apples).
  • Hummus - Another dipper for veggies - good protein, high in healthy fats, and low carbs!
  • Yogurt with fruit - an easy way to get billions of probiotics, that serving of fruit, and if you combine frozen fruit with really cold yogurt, it's like eating ice cream!
  • Mini Pizza - homemade, of course - use a tiny, thin homemade crust (here's the one I like), lots of sauce, stack on the veggies, top with cheese and spices.
  • Fruit - I love just snacking of fruits - so much goodness, so little summer to grow.
  • Cheese - Aged, flavorful cheese is good, when combined with something health - try apples and cheese, or shredded cheese on hummus.
  • Jerky - make your own - flavorful (hopefully local, healthy) meats, seasoned heartily, and dried - makes a great accompaniment to the granola
Here's a tip for parents that have picky eaters and say their kids won't eat these snacks: There are two types of picky eaters, and they are:
  • Medical conditions
  • Stubborn
If you child has a medical condition, such as an allergy, it's important to get that checked and recorded. It could save their lives one day. And don't feed them the foods that irritate them! But, most kids are just stubborn. They want the foods that taste good and make them feel good. That's why they choose sugar. But you are the parent. It's your job to make them eat good food. Give them a choice, the healthy snack or no snack. Kids will only go so long without before they eat the good food. And most will find they actually do like the good food!

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Thursday, 18 December 2014

What makes the healthiest energy drink?

Energy drinks get a lot of bad press for containing lots of stuff that we don't really need and are just a quick thirst quencher, or give you a temporary high or energy boost to keep you going until the next one! I came across this more informative article on 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/7433377) that might tell you something new and help point you in the right direction. Everything has a place, and there is a place for everything . . . including energy drinks, so here are some good pointers courtesy of Greg N. Reed (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_N_Reed)

The popularity of energy drinks has increased tremendously over the years especially among children and teenagers. The consumption of these drinks has been castigated by the media and most parents are worried about their safety. One of the main ingredients in most of these drinks is caffeine, which is associated with many negative health effects. However, many people can control the amount of caffeine they take by consuming such drinks in moderation. The population can enjoy moderate quantities of caffeine in these drinks without getting any undesired outcomes. The most important thing is to determine the amount of caffeine in any such drink as this will help in moderating consumption. The healthiest energy drink contains other ingredients that are beneficial to the body as will be discussed below.

This is an amino acid that is made by the body from the foods we consume. Animal products, such as chicken, beef, pork and lamb contain high taurine levels. Some fish, such as oysters, cod and clams also have high amounts of taurine. Taurine helps in regulating mineral and water levels in the body as well as supporting neurological development. The reason why taurine is included in these types of drinks is because it helps in improving physical and athletic performance. There were rumours that consumption of taurine increases the risk of getting cancer. However, this was dispelled by the 2003 report published in the European Food Safety Authority whereby studies conducted showed that there was no link between cancer and consumption of taurine because it is a naturally occurring element in the human body.

This is herb that is associated with numerous health benefits ranging from lowering glucose levels in the blood, boosting the immunity, increasing physical performance and stamina and enhancing mental performance. Ginseng also hastens recovery in people suffering from various illnesses and can be found in the healthiest energy drink.

This is a South American plant that is used in sodas and energy drinks. It contains some caffeine and is usually added to these drinks to improve mental and physical performance by providing the much needed energy. It might not be indicated on the container of the energy drink, but it is still a main ingredient. In the U.S., guarana is recognised as a natural flavouring ingredient that is safe to use.

B Vitamins
B vitamins occur in various food stuffs and are useful in regulating metabolism. Cobalamin and thiamin are some of the main examples of B vitamins. B vitamins contained in these types of drinks help in maintaining and enhancing mental functions.

This is the primary ingredient in most energy drinks as it helps in improving mental and physical performance and for increasing the flavor. Caffeine is not bad for the body as long as it's taken in moderation as it provides the body with the energy boost needed to enhance performance.

This is a substance obtained from a certain amino acid and it stimulates the cell to produce more energy. This increases metabolism, improving physical performance. Most healthy people have adequate quantities of carnitine as it is naturally produced in the body and from foods consumed.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Healthy fruit drinks for you!

As the recent healthy eating & drinking Blog Posts garnered much interest, I thought I would continue with this theme and adda few more today. Here's one on healthy fruit drink alternatives that I sourced from my friends at 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/7979095) and written by Robert N. Perry (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_N._Perry)

Fruit makes up a very critical component of a human beings diet. This is because it is jam-packed with nutrients and minerals that are essential for health and vitality. Fruits contain antioxidants that are essential in fighting free radicals that damage cells, cause premature aging and diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

Fruits also contain essential vitamins and minerals that may not be found in other food groups or from other sources. For instance, fruits contain Vitamin C (that prevents scurvy), Vitamin A (that is good for eyesight and prevents macular degeneration), potassium, folate and other minerals.

So, a healthy fruit drink is an excellent way of ensuring that you get the daily recommended amount of nutrients and minerals. This is particularly so for children who may not take time for eating the fruit itself. Having them drink a fruit drink is an easy way of getting them the nutrition that they need for their bodies to grow strong.

A major advantage of a healthy fruit drink is that they do not contain near as many calories as fruit drinks typically contain. They also will have no fat, though they have a little sugar that provides energy. Fruit also contain enzymes that aid in digestion so that the pancreas is not overworked.

There are numerous healthy fruit drinks that are easy to make and very delicious. The best fruit drinks can be categorized into fruit smoothies and fruit juices. Fruit smoothies are made of blended fruit that may be fresh or frozen (or both), yoghurt, milk or water, ice cubes and sometimes ice cream. Juice on the other hand is made by extracting the liquid from a fruit. Therefore, a fruit smoothie and a fruit juice are different because a smoothie is made using the whole fruit (even the skin if it is edible), but when juice is made, the fruit pulp is usually gotten rid off.

Between the two kinds of healthy fruit drinks, the general consensus is that the fruit smoothie is more nutritious than the fruit juice. By using the whole fruit, the smoothie contains the fiber and pulp that are necessary for healthy digestion. The fiber also ensures that the sugar found in the fruit is slowly released so that there are no sudden spikes in blood sugar levels which can cause diabetes.

Smoothies are also more versatile than fruit juices when it comes to the number of ingredients that can be added to them. You can add yogurt, spinach, protein powder and any other ingredient you choose. This is because the ingredients of your healthy fruit drink are blended together so that even the solid ingredients are well integrated into the mixture.

It is best to make your healthy fruit drink at home as you can control the ingredients. However, you can purchase them from health food stores and supermarkets. If you do buy them instead of making them yourself be sure and always pay attention to the label of the fruit drinks to know all the ingredients. You should choose a drink that has no additives and is not made from concentrate.

The best thing of course about a healthy fruit drink is that it taste so great. How many foods do you find in life that have a delicious taste but are still good for you?

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Great healthy snacking ideas for you!

One more for today and still sticking with the healthy snacking idea to aid your weight loss programme and keep you focused over the forthcoming holiday season. You can still have fun make no mistake, and you can treat yourself, spoil yourself and let your guard down occasionally so you join in the festivities with family, friends and loved ones. Just be sure to keep your eyes on the prize and remember your end game. These helpful hints and tips will be sure way to help. Sourced from 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/6672131) and written by Martin Gandhi they offer some good advice that is worth a read (http://EzineArticles.com/expert=Martin_Gandhi)

If there is one thing you should know about dieting, and that is not to starve yourself. If you can control your hunger and develop a healthy food regimen, it should help you to stay fit. If you get very hungry, and the urge to overeat kicks in, it is helpful to always carry healthy snacks with you. That will keep you from overeating because of hunger. Also, always have a bottle of water with you because hunger pangs are sometimes confused with thirst or dehydration.

What I mean by "healthy" is something that's less than 100 calories and is not more than two to three handfuls in total. Portion control is important. Try making the healthy snack a natural one if possible, containing fruit or vegetables that are not processed. How about an apple?

Here we will discuss a few healthy snacks that are considered great on the go. These snacks are tasty and low in calories. They are great for work, airports, or road trips and they are easy to carry in your bag. It may take some time to change your snack eating habits. If you usually like snacking on potato chips, then it might take you awhile to switch to raw vegetables; such as selecting an apple to munch on instead of a bag of chips or maybe choosing yogurt instead of a soda and fries.

If you really want to start eating healthy snacks, then prepare for a regimen change. You will need to have your kitchen filled with healthy foods only. Like the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. Always keep a snack with you, a granola bar would be the perfect example of a healthy snack.

10 Healthy Snack Ideas
  • Vegetables - carrying chopped celery or baby carrots is easy to take to the office of just on the go. They both have tons of minerals and fiber to fuel your body up, instead of bringing it down. Also they are low in calories.
  • Sliced Fruit - these are in grocery stores and even fast food restaurants nowadays. They can be found in a mix variety of fruits. Just go to the produce section of your grocery store and buy it pre-cut or whole. Some examples are apples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, plums, peaches, and pears.
  • Variety of nuts - peanuts, cashews, almonds, and walnuts are some of the nuts that are a great snack. A handful should be just enough when you get hungry. They do not need refrigeration and are easy and light to carry in a Ziploc bag. They are also good in peanut butter form.
  • Raisins - raisins are loaded with fiber so you feel full. This is a low glycemic snack that is filling and at the same time very healthy. A little box only has 45 calories and easy on the go. Raisins can also be added to salads and cereals. A quarter cup of raisins provides you with a full serving of fruit.
  • Eggs (hard boiled) - eggs are easy to cook and only have seventy six calories. The egg contains proteins, minerals, iron, iodine, calcium and vitamin A. You get all those healthy nutrients from one little egg. Egg white is also very good all by itself.
  • Popcorn - this is a great snack that is easy and inexpensive. It is light and healthy with lots of fiber. Try to be light on the salt and no butter if possible. There are many brands out now that are fat free and available in small bags, and typically each bag has only 100 calories.
  • Protein bar - these bars are great for individuals looking for extra protein in their diet. They come in many flavors and are convenient to carry. Try to avoid the bars with lots of sugars. These protein bars can be found in grocery stores, but you do get a better selection at a nutritional store.
  • Oranges - this is a great source of vitamins C, B, B1, and high fiber all from one fruit. It has a delicious sweet flavor and also good in its juice form. If drinking the juice be aware of the sugar content. Try to always buy naturally fresh squeezed if possible. Different varieties of oranges are available year round. 
  • Yogurt - this is a delicious source of calcium that comes in a variety of flavors. Most yogurt cups have less than 170 calories and are 99% fat free. Yogurt is also loaded with vitamin C, D and A.
  • Cheese sticks - you can find low fat cheese sticks or cheese cubes in the dairy section of your supermarket. They are a great source of calcium and vitamins. The cheese sticks having as little as 60 calories and are usually individually wrapped. Kids love these cheeses and it's a healthy snack and a great way to get their daily calcium.
There are many healthy snack ideas. These are just a few that you can grab quickly when on the go. When home make your family healthy snacks. Have a fruit platter or a tuna salad instead of bringing out the bag of chips and salsa. If you're having a party, do the healthy alternative.

Everyone feels much better when eating healthy. Have you ever snacked on junk food and realized later you feel terrible, bloated or have an upset stomach? That's usually the difference between eating healthy or eating junk food.

It is all a matter of getting yourself accustomed to the healthier alternative when snacking. If you have children, teach them at a young age to eat healthy snacks. Have them snack with fruits and vegetables. Keep them away from sodas and sugary snacks. Many of the problems found with obesity are the lack of a nutritional diet at home.

Place a fruit basket accessible to everyone in your kitchen. Have the pantry with only on the go healthy snacks. Once you start only eating healthy snacks you will not crave the junk snacks. So, clean out the kitchen and get rid of all that is not good for you. You'll be glad you did.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Healthy snacking tips to munch on

The last couple of Blog Posts have been around healthy snacking and drinking, and so I'm going to continue with that theme today with a few more helpful hints, tips, advise & guidance to ensure you are well informed and can remain focused over the coming Festive Season. I sourced this one from 'ezinearticles' (http://EzineArticles.com/7993197) and written by Stephen G. John (http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_G_John)

Much has been said about snacking. Food experts attest to the benefits of taking food during snack time, which has become part and parcel of the daily eating pattern. Most people are familiar with taking snacks in between meals, while others prefer to have snacking during midnight. The problem with snacking, however, is that it has become a mindless and emotional habit eating for many. Satisfying food usually make up the menu for snacks, not merely to alleviate hunger pangs but to simply have something to munch on while taking a break from activities such as work or play.

Needless to say, health consciousness encompasses everything that eating is all about, including the type of snack food that you usually enjoy with family and friends. Ponder on some important points to make tasty, healthy snack ideas come to life.

Think nutritional value.
If you've been used to serving the crunchy, the salty or the sugary for snacks, it is high time to find out how the body - not just the taste buds - can benefit from these types of food. Do they contain any nutritional value? Everyone, especially kids, will need to be conscious about getting the right amount of nutrition in this era of tasty, zero-nutrient appetisers, dishes, desserts and refreshments.

Consider healthier substitutes.
People pay less attention to how snacking can affect the overall diet, and usually go for the typical bread, cookies, pastas, pies, pizzas, cakes, pastries, sandwiches, chocolates, popcorns chops, crackers, noodles or biscuits. Most serve these calorie-filled snacks because they taste good and take less preparation time. Aren't fruits, nuts, salads, yogurts, real juices, low-sodium and sugar-free recipes just as equally tasty and easy to prepare?

Creativity counts!
Most people frown at the thought of having some boring fruit, veggie, wheat-based food or oatmeal for snacks. The quick remedy? Put in variety, experiment with pretty or fun plating, and recreate a recipe to make it your own. Give these items your own personal touch, and explore different ways to perk up your snack.

Bear in mind: portions matter in healthy snacking.
You may not give it much thought, but the moment you purchase that bag of fries to fry for snacks, you tend to go for the size XL packs because they are cheaper and provide value for money. While you weigh in how practical the savings are from these deals, it may also be reasonable for you to think about serving smart. Remember that your snack serving portions play a great role in keeping your healthy diet in check.

Paying attention to what your body needs - more than what it wants - is not easy. Such is the case with finding the perfect snack, with all the traditional choices that people have been used to.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-

Monday, 15 December 2014

Drinks to help your weight loss goals.

The previous Post talked about snacking to help you loose weight, so in a similar vein, here we have a article on drinking to help you lose weight. There are a plethora of drinks out there on the market (and more being added every day it seems) to help with your weight loss goals, energy levels and calorie intake. Which one to choose is always the difficulty and it might be a lottery as our bodies all react different to the food (and beverages) we consume, so for you it may be a case of trial and error as you find out what you like best and what works best. This articles came from 'Articlesbase' too (http://www.articlesbase.com/low-calorie-articles/drinks-that-can-help-with-weight-loss-6953974.html) and is written by Wilbert Elsenrath.

Weight loss drinks have become a very popular way to help a person lose weight. As a society we have put on weight which causes some health issues. One of the major killers of the century obesity is known to trigger or precipitate an array of disease conditions which could well include the now familiar hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, low back ache, infertility and even gall stones. If stats are any index well over 10 million children and more than 65 million adults have been diagnosed with the condition globally. Thus it is not surprising that there has been a recent surge in the demand for weight loss options in general and weight loss drinks in particular.

There is more to weight loss than just controlling the number of calories consumed. To further elaborate juices and popular cold drinks are invariably loaded with carbohydrates and sugars which may slow down any weight loss strategy. Thus the need of the hour is to identify a mix of weight loss drinks that can help shed those pounds without adding to the calorie pool.
Some Options For Weight Loss Drinks

Although there are numerous options available when it comes to weight loss drinks, picking the right option can well be a challenging task. This could be attributed to the fact that what works for you may be ineffective for someone else. Some of the more popular options may well include one or more of these:

1. Water - Water continues to find acceptance in the developed and the developing countries alike. Studies continue to validate the fact that water consumed in abundance can shed pounds far more effectively than other weight loss drinks to date. Those who find consuming plain water a difficult task could well add a twist of lemon, lime, cucumber or even tomatoes so as to create a flavoured drink without adding on additional calories per serving.

2. Premium Tea - When it comes to acceptability there is no comparison to the familiar green tea freshly brewed and without sugar or milk. Those with an inclination for sugar may well add a touch of honey to their green tea without the risk of weight gain. The logic to green tea being a boon for weight watchers is that it helps boost the metabolism of the body and thus accelerates weight loss. On the contrary tea variants like oolong and black tea detox the body due to the presence of a diverse range of antioxidants.

3. Coffee And Weight Loss - Coffee like black tea is equally effective although it works differently. Black coffee is known to increase the general body temperature and like black tea may even enhance or boost the metabolic rate of the body and then trigger off weight loss.

4. Milk Type Options - While tea and coffee like water continue to be popular in fighting the bulge, it is no secret that milk finds acceptability both as a natural drink as well as a low calorie weight loss drink. This makes it evident that when the context is weight loss there are few options as viable or user friendly as the new age weight loss drinks. Many weight loss companies make powders that can be added to milk and mixed to make a weight loss drink. These come in all different flavors and some address other issues besides just weight.

5. Vitamin Mineral Drinks - There are many different vitamin mineral drinks on the market that help promote weight loss. The way they help with weight loss is by giving the body the vitamins and minerals that it needs. When the body is satisfied then a persons appetite is diminished and it needs less food. Now a days the fruits and vegetables we get from the store often do not have the vitamins and minerals in the concentration that the body needs because of over farming. Our farm lands have been depleted of minerals over the years and most people need some type of supplementation because they do not get it in the foods they eat daily.

This is only the tip of weight loss drinks but this shows you how wide this segment is. It continues to grow as newer and better working and tasting drinks are developed. There are high fibre drinks to give you that full feeling, high protein drinks to satisfy your bodies craving for food, this list can go on and on. If you are looking for weight loss drinks to help you lose weight, that are out there. The hard part is deciding which one works best for you.

WhyWeight - don't hesitate, participate, before it's too late!

-Steve, at WhyWeight-